
Pablo Picasso: Most Influential Artist Of The 20th Century

Decent Essays

Pablo Picasso was one of the most famous and influential artists of the 20th century, and left an important legacy on the history of art even after his passing. Picasso began his work in the 1890’s as a realist, but later began to shift his focus on painting landscapes that employed symbolism through the use of non-natural colors. Such trends in Picasso’s paintings took an immediate shift at the turn of the century when he began creating works of art with the primary use of the color blue. Such monochromatic style in his paintings reflected the depression he felt after the suicide of one of his closest friends, Carlos Casagemas. Picasso’s blue period is one of his most well-known artistic trends and the painting that is most often associated …show more content…

Each shade of blue, whether it be in the background or even on the man’s arm, is completely separate from one another. Picasso radically limits the blending of colors in his work, even in areas where it would make sense, such as on the man’s sleeve that is closest to the guitar. Such distinction symbolizes his isolation from society caused by his impoverished lifestyle and depressive state. The most dramatic lack of color blending can be seen in the background. The background of paintings is often used by artists as an opportunity to blend colors. However, Picasso blatantly chooses not to do so in order to portray his intense sentiments that he felt during one of the darkest periods in his life. Furthermore, this distinct separation of color dramatically limits the movement within the painting itself. Picasso’s choice to keep the movement stagnant in the painting in addition to the separation of colors parallels the subject of the paintings lack of movement. With crossed legs, closed eyes, slumped posture, and visibly still fingers on the guitar, the man appears to be fixed in his position, with no intention or motivation to move. The overall lack of movement throughout the piece is suggestive that Picasso does not want to move on from his apparent depressed state. Overall, Picasso projects his feeling of misery through the lack of movement with his color choice and posture of his subject within the

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