
Fossils Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

Introduction Today we are going to learn about the past. We are going to find out what lived long ago. Starting with dinosaurs, plants, animals, birds and bugs my question to you class is how do we know what lived so long ago? The answer is fossils. What is a fossils you ask it is a imprinted, bones and many other proceedings that fossils are apart of life that become lost and later discovered by a us humans in this lifetime. They are so many fossils in this world that even today that we have not discovered, but not every one has the know how to know what is a fossil a university trained who has made it his career as archaeologist expert to find fossil, sure even you could dig up a fossil, but it is up to them to classified the fossil and take care of it so it does not get ruined. Although they are so many types of fossils we still do not know everything there is to know about fossils. The only thing we are sure about is that fossils are what has told us so much and we are still finding new creatures and we are going to see here the how fossil began. In a hands on experience …show more content…

We are going to take a walk outside we are going to find something we can make a fossil with. It can be a leaf apart of a plant, a toy, a or you can choose to make a bug or a small bone out of clay. One we have our future fossil we are going to start the process of making our fossil. We are going to shape our fossil and find a way to make our clay. Show a fossil I hope that we get really creative with our fossil shows a the fossils poking out of the clay or if is a leaf pressing is down hard so we can see the imprinted leaf or plant on the outside of the fossils. Then we are going to leave our fossils alone over the weekend so there dry and have a well made

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