Introduction Today we are going to learn about the past. We are going to find out what lived long ago. Starting with dinosaurs, plants, animals, birds and bugs my question to you class is how do we know what lived so long ago? The answer is fossils. What is a fossils you ask it is a imprinted, bones and many other proceedings that fossils are apart of life that become lost and later discovered by a us humans in this lifetime. They are so many fossils in this world that even today that we have not discovered, but not every one has the know how to know what is a fossil a university trained who has made it his career as archaeologist expert to find fossil, sure even you could dig up a fossil, but it is up to them to classified the fossil and take care of it so it does not get ruined. Although they are so many types of fossils we still do not know everything there is to know about fossils. The only thing we are sure about is that fossils are what has told us so much and we are still finding new creatures and we are going to see here the how fossil began. In a hands on experience …show more content…
We are going to take a walk outside we are going to find something we can make a fossil with. It can be a leaf apart of a plant, a toy, a or you can choose to make a bug or a small bone out of clay. One we have our future fossil we are going to start the process of making our fossil. We are going to shape our fossil and find a way to make our clay. Show a fossil I hope that we get really creative with our fossil shows a the fossils poking out of the clay or if is a leaf pressing is down hard so we can see the imprinted leaf or plant on the outside of the fossils. Then we are going to leave our fossils alone over the weekend so there dry and have a well made
| |us the approximate age |other and studying the fossils |these layers of sediment might |
Is anybody aware that on a daily basis you could be consuming the 5 million tonnes of plastic that enters the sea annually? That is why today I will be informing you on the dangers and risks of animal and human lives due to ocean pollution. Clearly, I am against the actions of these careless people. The trash and plastic that is thrown onto the streets everyday ends up blowing into the water and polluting our world’s beautiful oceans.
Thank you David for sharing your comments! It was very informative. I enjoy learning more about Darwin's theory of evolution. I also enjoy learning more about natural selection. Some people agree with the theory of evolution, and consider the theory a positive thing. Some people disagree with the theory, and consider it a negative thing. I feel it is good that people had church groups. Church groups are a good way for people to express their spirituality in a positive way. I am also a person that enjoys learning more about God. Do you feel that having a positive attitude about life helps you while living according to your
The message I will be conveying is the importance of embracing failure. My role will be myself as I understand myself the best. The audience addressed will be my fellow classmates. In the format of a speech.
The year is 5024 and everyone in the class is an archaeologist. You should work in teams of two and take a look at the findings and make guesses about the nature of the findings. This is a very difficult task because nothing is known of life before the year 3500.
Who- Loki, One of his sons, wife Sigyn, poisonous snake that Skadi placed on rock
The bright sun encases me with warmth and sweat pours down my tan, steaming face. The black and white circle moves with ferocity and when I approach the large, green field I see my friend Maria.
However, the truth can be uncovered using the keys of the past by analyzing what remains of the hadrosaurids. Fossil records were a key part in figuring out the basic anatomy of the dinosaurs. Scientists take what they find and use their theories to further give insight on how they might have lived, behaved, and eventually died out. It is important to learn about how creatures have evolved and adapted so we can use it to further the development of human understanding on the past. This may be our key to giving ourselves an edge to the future by learning about the
What has become of our world? Look at the murder and violence in our streets and the brutal sport of death bluntly referred to as ‘Whaling’. I’m sure you’re all fairly familiar with the Japanese whaling vessels and those activists calling for legal action against those savages. But, that isn’t what concerns me today. What concerns me, is the ordinary citizens who are currently unaware of this assault of whales by their voracious Norwegian enemies. The Norwegian whale quota for this current year is 880 whales. 880 mighty masses flailing around hopelessly with a javelin fixed in their side. Let’s imagine for a second that our roles were reversed. That we were one of these 880 whales being dragged away from our home, our
Most remember the scene, in Jurassic Park, with the t-rex roaring in the main building with the sign that read (When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth) falling to the ground. That was great scene but, what got me going was strangely the small video telling the science of how the dinosaurs were brought back to life. Seeing how they recreated the extinct animals and how they gave reasons of how they brought them back filled me with love and curiosity. I wanted to be a paleontologist. I looked up everything I could about dinosaurs. I was shocked that dinosaurs had feathers but, I moved on excepting that Jurassic Park was old and may have some imperfections. Then came middle school. The only thing I enjoyed out of English during my entire time there
The blue whale uses baleen in order to filter the speech. The blue wales are the largest vertebrate animal. In a study that was reported on May 24 in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Nicholas Pyenson, the museum's curator of fossil marine mammals, and collaborators Graham Slater at the University of Chicago and Jeremy Goldbogen at Stanford University, went back and found the evolution of the size of whales in over thirty million years of history. They discovered that the huge whales showed up along multiple branches in the family tree roughly two to three million years ago. A reason for whales having those bigger body sizes is that by the increase of ice sheets located in Northern Hemisphere, whales had to change the way they ontaimed food
You open your eyes to see if it is real or if you have finally given into the monster that has been eating your soul every day. You sit alone at night thinking about all the pain you feel inside. You start to painting on your arms and legs. To see the red paint dripping down your arms and legs. Covering up the art work so no one can see your gallery. Wishing that all this pain you feel could just go away. Never knowing if you are going to make it another day. No knows how you feel, you just make that fake smile. Wishing that you could feel happy but you forgot what happiness felt like. Every day you wake up feeling just as lonely as the day before. Everyone you seem to know leaves you in the end. The only time you feel something different is when you are sleeping. Wanting someone or something that would make you feel the happiness that you once felt. You look into the mirror looking deep into the eyes of the person you are not. Staring the monster right in the eyes. As it makes you feel like you are worthless, you can almost see the person you once were. Fighting to try and make that monster go away. You finally find something that would make the pain turn into something good. You start putting endless hours in the gym to make the monster
Ever since forty plus years ago Agriculturalists have shown a variety of show cattle and ran ranches with them. I showed cattle for a few years throughout my FFA experience. Cattle have played a huge role in our society feeding families and other people who reside in this world. Their effect on human culture is something that we take much pride in when raising our cattle whether it is for companion or meat products. Previous cattle showman know and strive to achieve the ultimate goal: winning grand champion. This reward is earned by having the best show calf in the ring to the judge’s perspective. In order to reach this goal, the exhibitor must use proper feeding methods and show technique. (Insert thesis here.)
Have you served in a war? Has your father or mother served in a war? How about your grandpa? As we honor those who have served we typically do so by standing for the pledge of allegiance or star spangled banner. We say thank you to our war heroes or we go and visit them and listen to their stories. In this paper I will be discussing why NFL players should not be allowed to kneel for the flag. Although the NFL players have the right to peacefully protest, they should find a different way than kneeling as it shows disrespect towards the flag also active duty military and veterans, it teaches young children this behavior is okay, what they are protesting has nothing to do with the flag and there are many different ways to get their message out.
Diatomite is a rock that forms from the silica cell walls of a group of unicellular algae known as diatoms. Diatoms are found in both fresh water and salt water. When they die, their cell walls dissolve under water and become compacted over time into diatomite. The fossilization rock, may have fossil remains of many kinds of plants preserved within it. Amber is considered a mineral that is used as a gem but is less valuable than precious stones. Amber or semiprecious stones is the fossilized resin produced by earlier cone-bearing evergreen trees. Before resins harden, floral parts, pollen grains, fungal spores, and other plant parts may become trapped and be preserved. Amber is valued for jewelry and as fossils mainly from two parts of the world, the region of northern Europe and the Dominican Republic. When describing different types of fossilization, specific qualities of the fossil are used. A two-dimensional with organic material is called compressions. The physical 3-D structure is compressed to one or two-dimensions. Peat, lignite, and coal are compressions of thick plant debris of covered mineral sediment. Impressions are two-dimensional imprints lacking organic material. If the sediment is grained, impressions may show detailed external forms of the plant. Casts and models is a three-dimensional that has a surface layer of organic material. A cast is made when sediment is deposited into cavities left by the decay of plant parts. A mold is a cavity left in the sediment by the decayed plant tissue. Molds are usually unfilled, or partly filled with sediment. Casts and molds may be found together with the cast filling the mold. Permineralizations are also three-dimensional with plant tissue being infiltrated by mineral-rich fluid. The internal structure of the plant is preserved in three dimensions. Lastly, molecular fossils are non-structural and preserves organic