The blue whale uses baleen in order to filter the speech. The blue wales are the largest vertebrate animal. In a study that was reported on May 24 in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Nicholas Pyenson, the museum's curator of fossil marine mammals, and collaborators Graham Slater at the University of Chicago and Jeremy Goldbogen at Stanford University, went back and found the evolution of the size of whales in over thirty million years of history. They discovered that the huge whales showed up along multiple branches in the family tree roughly two to three million years ago. A reason for whales having those bigger body sizes is that by the increase of ice sheets located in Northern Hemisphere, whales had to change the way they ontaimed food
Looks amazing does not it, The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from the International Space station conversely it is home to over 1500 species of different animals not even counting the coral in the Great Barrier Reef. Moreover one of the seven wonders of the world. Although it looks spectacular you should contemplate this will not last long! Enough for YOU to visit The Great barrier reef
In 2018 English Broadcaster and Naturalist Sir David Attenborough said, “The Great Barrier Reef will be dead by 2100.” Sir David Attenborough is not far off as already two third of the great barrier reef has either perished away or currently dying. Smart.Co is here to help Australia fix the great barrier reef with the plastic problem one by
a) this is technique is where there’s a long line with baited hooks that can stretch over 60 miles across the ocean.
First, interesting choice for gaining your audience’s attention. Creatures emerging from the sea giving your viewers a vivid description of a red tide. Next, awesome transition through the main points. It was clearly outlined allowing one to see how each point relates to the next.
According the University of St. Andrews’ study, of 29 different dolphins, whistling rates during non-polarized and socializing movements were higher than surface travel (Quick & Janik, 2008).
How would you feel if you were a killer whale performing in front of thousands of people? For many years people have argued if killer whales should be kept in captivity or not. Blackfish, a documentary on Seaworld and killer whales, had argued with Seaworld against whale captivity. Killer whale captivity must be banned because whales can get ill or injured, they can be dangerous to humans, and they can get separated from their families.
In two different speeches by two different Native American chiefs, Chief Seattle and Red Cloud, a similar topic in that of the removal of Indians by the U.S. government, was addressed. However, the speeches by the two chiefs were very different, in terms of tone, figurative language, and the clarity of their message. In, "On the Red Man's Trail," Chief Seattle used much figurative language, especially similes, to get his point across. Some of the numerous examples are, "Yonder sky that has wept tears of compassion upon our fathers for centuries untold...," (paragraph 1) "My words are like the stars that never set," (paragraph 2) When our young men grow angry at some real or imaginary wrong, and disfigure their faces with black paint, their hearts also are disfigured and turn black...," (paragraph 6) "My people are ebbing away like the fast receding tide that will never flow again," (paragraph 12) and, "Some grim Fate of our race is on the Red Man’s trail, and wherever he goes he will still hear the sure approaching footsteps of his fell destroyer and prepare to stolidly meet his doom, as does the wounded doe that hears the approaching footsteps of the hunter." (paragraph 22) Meanwhile, in his speech after Wounded Knee, Red Cloud sparsely used figurative language. The vast majority of his statements were easy to comprehend and literal, with some examples being, "I will tell you the reason for the trouble. When we first made treaties with the Government, our old life and our
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Denver City Council, today I would like to talk to you about the city of Denver enforcing a dangerous dog law instead of breed specific legislation, because the enforcement of breed specific legislation is not the solution to dangerous dogs in the community. I plan on showing how Denver could change their law to make a difference to the quality of dogs living in this great city.
Because of what SeaWorld is doing, people should stop founding this billion dollar company by
Most of you probably have a pet of your own. Maybe a dog named Max or a cat named Oliver. Could you imagine seeing them in terrible pain? I honestly don't think there will be one student in this class that would volunteer to let their own pet be tortured for any reason. Am I wrong?
Any little child is able to connect the name Shamu to the massive black and white creatures that dwell in the ocean waters, termed orcas or killer whales. However, the recent release of the film “Blackfish” has aimed to revise the common opinion of killer whales who are known by the title Shamu. As the film strikes marine life parks such as SeaWorld with apparent reasons as to why these orcas should not be in captivity, the question of “Blackfish”’s validity arises. How truthful can a film be that was created to persuade its viewers to ceases visiting attractions such as the killer whale shows? Since the release of “Blackfish,” animal rights activist, writers, and amusement park aficionados have been expressing their speculations on the “Blackfish”
Ever since forty plus years ago Agriculturalists have shown a variety of show cattle and ran ranches with them. I showed cattle for a few years throughout my FFA experience. Cattle have played a huge role in our society feeding families and other people who reside in this world. Their effect on human culture is something that we take much pride in when raising our cattle whether it is for companion or meat products. Previous cattle showman know and strive to achieve the ultimate goal: winning grand champion. This reward is earned by having the best show calf in the ring to the judge’s perspective. In order to reach this goal, the exhibitor must use proper feeding methods and show technique. (Insert thesis here.)
I am sure that everyone of you have heard about aliens and UFOs. Indeed, we all have heard about the famous case of aliens and UFOs in Roswell, New Mexico. Most people might be interested in the topic of aliens, but I know that the majority of you just think of it as rumours and the existence of them are impossible. Therefore, I am standing here in front all of you to make you change your perspective. I am strongly confident that I have found the evidence of their real existence to convince all of you.
Imagine a world of chaos. We see things like that all the time in movies, where zombies roam the earth and there are just those few main survivors left. The world is in ruins. If ocean life was to die out, there would be a collapse of civilization as a whole. Just like we see on TV, the world would become a place where no order exists. This would lead to human extinction. The ocean dies, we die along with it, and if sea turtles die, so does the ocean. In simple words, one could say that human life depends on sea turtles. In this speech I will be covering three topics. First, how a sea turtle’s diet benefits marine life and humans, second, how sea turtles provide homes and food for other species, and last, how sea turtles protect beaches from washing away.
Thesis Statement: My purpose today is to inform you on the illegal poaching on elephants and the ivory trade.