
Examples Of Power In The Odyssey

Decent Essays

In the Odyssey, by Homer and “The Lady, of the Tiger?’ by Frank R. Stockton there are many examples of responsibilities of power. Power can be used for good or bad. In both passages, Odysseus and the king both use there The Odyssey shows many examples of power being used for good. For example, Odysseus sacrifices many things to help him and his men get back to Ithica. Homer states,” This royal maiden was well satisfied with her lover, for he was handsome and brave to a degree unsurpassed in all this kingdom, and she loved him with an ardor that had enough of barbarism in it to make it exceedingly warm and strong. This love affair moved on happily for many months, until one day the king happened to discover its existence. He did not hesitate nor waver in regard to his duty in the premises. The youth was immediately cast into prison, and a day was appointed for his trial in the king's arena. Never …show more content…

If the king really cared about his daughter, why would he take away someone she loved from her? Also, the only valid reason he had was that he didn’t want anyone taking his daughter away from him. Another example of Odysseus showing leadership would be when he stayed up and worked the ropes by himself. Homer,” But now an enticing sleep came on me, bone – weary from working the vessels sheet myself, no letup never trusting the ropes to any other mate…” (Homer 10 Lines 30-40). This quote represents Odysseus will and power as a leader because he’s willing to sacrifice his sleep.
This evidence can back up that Odysseus is a great leader. This evidence also backs up Odysseus’s misuse of power. Odysseus could have trusted his shipmates with the ropes and he would have never have been so sleepy. What if he fell asleep? Odysseus basically sacrificed his chances of getting back to If he had fell asleep he would have jepersdized his chances of finally getting back to

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