
Odysseus Hero Quotes

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“Hard times don’t create heroes”. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.” by Bob Riley The story is about the protagonist's journey and challenges as he faces various obstacles on his way. In The Odyssey, Odysseus tries to return home to Ithaca, but he faces numerous obstacles and setbacks along the way, showcasing his resilience and cunning nature. Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus shows that he is a hero because of his bravery in facing a lot of challenges and his cunning intelligence in overcoming obstacles. Odysseus shows that he is a hero when he goes to save his man from the witch, knowing that he also could transform into a pig. In book 10 lines 47-48, it says “Eurylochus tells Odysseus what has happened and begs him to sail away from …show more content…

Odysseus shows that he’s a hero when he brings his man home. Odysseus demonstrates exceptional leadership skills throughout his journey. He leads his men through various challenges, making difficult decisions and inspiring them to persevere. Additionally, in Book 12, Odysseus demonstrates his leadership by preventing his crew from succumbing to the enchanting song of the Sirens, ordering them to plug their ears and tie him to the mast. In Book 12 lines 13-18, it says “Plug your oarsmen’s ears with beeswax kneaded soft; none of the rest should hear the song. But if you wish to listen, let the man tie you in the lugger, hand and foot, back to the mast, lashed to the mast, so you may hear those harpies’ thrilling voices.” This highlights the idea of Odysseus’ ability to make wise decisions and protect his men, establishing him as a good leader. Some argue that Odysseus was wrong when he blinded Cyclops because after that Poseidon was angry with Odysseus doing

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