
Examples Of Loss Of Power In The Odyssey

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Competition for beauty and other feminine qualities is not the only struggle that is presented throughout the story. One big issue the Penelope struggles for is for power and control; however, most of her life deals with a true lack of power and respect. One example of a lack of power is with the entire wedding procedure. Instead of picking someone who she would like to marry, there is a competition for her hand it marriage and she does not have any control over it at all. Ultimately, she is wedded to Odysseus and her struggle to gain power yet again continues. The next time Penelope battles for power is when she gets to the island of Ithaca where she meets Odysseus father, mother, and the woman who has taken care of Odysseys his entire life, Euryclea. Penelope and Euryclea …show more content…

Penelope has a little power as she is able to look over the servants and eventually she has a son, Telemachus, who she gets to raise as her own; however, not with the watchful eye of Euryclea watching over Penelope’s every move. However, Penelope’s greatest loss of power and control is still yet to come. Penelope’s ultimate loss of power is when Odysseus has to go fight in the Trojan war and Penelope is left at home with the eventual handfuls of suitors who take over her household once they believed Odysseus to be dead. This is a complete lack of power on Penelope’s side as she has no real control over the suitors, even though they were a large amount younger than she was, they were still invading her house and trying to take the power and wealth from Penelope as “the more there were, the more were attracted, each fearing to miss out on the perpetual feasting and the marriage lottery” (103 Atwood). This clearly shows a complete lack of power and control on Penelope’s side as she is still the wife of Odysseus; however, there are now a hundred men in her house eating her food, and drinking her wine while at the same time competing to marry Penelope in the aim to win the kingdom

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