
Essay On Designing A Course

Better Essays

The Ultimate Guide to Learning Outcomes

Designing a course can seem overwhelming. Even more so, designing a course that effectively involves and stimulates students can seem downright impossible. As an award-wining educator (student voted), I’ve constructed this guide to walk you through the process of creating interactive courses for any subject matter and via any instructional method (i.e., face-to-face, online, etc.).

Most stories are written backwards. The ending comes first, and then you write the backstory leading up to it. However, the audience reads the flipped version, from beginning to end. This backwards process is known as Constructive Alignment. If you didn’t do this, you aren’t telling a story, you’re rambling and …show more content…

It tells them whether they should be able to demonstrate the outcome at the end of a specific lesson, a full course, or an entire program of study. Other examples of possible stems could be:

• By the end of this course, students will be able to…
• By the end of this module, students should be able to…
• By the end of this class, successful students will be able to…
• In order to pass this course, students must demonstrate the ability to…

After completing the Stem portion of your learning outcome, the Action Word component utilizes Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. According to Bloom’s Taxonomy, learning takes place across three domains. The first of these is the cognitive domain of learning, and it relates to intellectual and content knowledge. The second domain of learning is psychomotor, which refers to physical movements and their co-ordination with sensation and perception. Third, learning also takes place in the affective domain, which encompasses our attitudes and values.

Within each of these three domains are varying levels of low order and high order skills. In the tables below, the top row is the lowest order skill (e.g., remembering) and each skill gets progressively higher as you move down the chart. The aim should be to incorporate as many high level action words as possible

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