
Course Study Guide Essay

Decent Essays

Assignment 1 1. Explain the history of structured English immersion in Arizona.
Lau vs. Nicols 1974 decided that non-English speaking children thrown into English classes and told to “sink or swim” violated their civil rights. Under the Supreme Court decision, schools were required to provide material and teaching necessary to help ELL students with the language. No more language based discrimination.
Flores vs. Arizona 1992 argued that Arizona was not paying enough funds and adequate programs to ELL students. Said ADE was not following 1974 decision.
Proposition 203 of 2000 deterred bilingual education, and demanded ELL students have decent English proficiency after a year of SEI instruction. This blocked students from …show more content…

Utilize supplementary materials, wait time, vocab, adapted content, appropriate speech.
Cummins uses BICS (basic interpersonal communication skills) and CALP (cognitive academic) or conversational vs. academic.
Lesson 4 1. Describe a multicultural curriculum.
A multicultural classroom embraces various cultures and uses them to build students up, rather than causing them to feel excluded. 2. What are some socio-cultural influences on ELLs?
Cultural influences that are learned from birth to about age 5. These can be morals, value of education, work ethic, etc.
They tend to be put in remedial programs when they are seen as being deficient by having a different cultural perspective. Often put in lower levels 3. How does culture impact learning?
Marked language, competitive vs. cooperative, culture shock symptoms. 4. Explain "explicit" and "implicit" culture.
Explicit are the things you see, dress, language, etc. Implicit are the values such as morals, ethics, ideas towards education. 5. Describe the importance of cultural awareness in the classroom setting.
Students feel included and important, self esteem is built and positive learning environment ensues. 6. Describe the importance of knowing about multicultural education for educators.
Teachers need to be away of their students needs. 7. Describe Kavero Olberg's five stages of culture shock.
Honeymoon, disintegration, reintegration, autonomy,

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