
Elizabethan Food

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During the Elizabethan era various types of foods were eaten and extensive details were added to these foods. Social classes also played a big role in what the rich or poor ate. Elizabethan meals were eaten at a specific time during the day. Depending on the job, civilians ate at different a time or place. People of this era usually ate three meals a day, which consisted of: breakfast, dinner, and supper. Breakfast was eaten right after getting up in the morning. It was normally a small meal made up of cold foods like leftovers, eggs, or bread and butter. "But since breakfast was by definition eaten early, those who did not rise early did not eat it." Farmers would only go to church services on Sundays because they were usually very busy during the rest of the week, but others went daily to early services. The Noble social class did not get up early enough to eat breakfast. Dinner was a mid-day meal that was eaten 11 am or 12 pm. Farmers would take their meal with them in a bag or have it delivered to them. Craftsmen would close up shop and go upstairs to the home area, their wife would have the meal …show more content…

The common person usually ate “white meat” that contained precious little meat, made of things like, milk cheese, butter, eggs, bread, and pottages. These were sometimes derivative of fish, rabbit, or bird. Killing larger game in the forest was considered poaching and was very dangerous. Gentry and rich folks ate “brown meats” like: beef, venison, mutton, and pork. The poor also ate a lot more vegetables than the rich that insisted on eating only greens that were fancily prepared. Peasants had easy access to beef, pork, and other high-end meats, but they couldn’t afford to keep a lot of it for their personal meals. They could make it just fine without fancy dishes eaten by their richer social class. Nutritionists today would appreciate the peasant’s simple

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