
Essay On Elizabethan Food

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(Source 1)

"ELIZABETHAN FOOD." Elizabethan Food. Heather Thomas, n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.

Summary: This website tells the history of food at the time of the Elizabethan Era.Poor people had unvaried diets consisting largely of bread, fish, cheese and ale, but the rich of Elizabethan England ate well.All kinds of meats were served to the rich people of Elizabethan England.Vegetables and fruits were regarded with some suspicion and was far more common for roasted and boiled meat to be accompanied with bread.Tudors were fond of desserts.Sometimes wine glasses, dishes, playing cards and trenchers were made out of a crisp modeled sugar called sugar-plate which would be elaborately decorated.

Evaluation: This site was not long but did contain very detailed information.This website did include the creators name,it has many contents involving …show more content…

This site is great for people that have a report on the Elizabethan Era.It gave me more information then I needed and gave me portraits with brief summaries.

( Source 2 )

"Elizabethan Era." ELIZABETHAN ERA. Linda Alchin, 2015. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.

Summary: The site explains the history of foods and drinks at the time of the Elizabethan Era.In the early Medieval era meat was a sign of wealth.The rich drank ale and wine and the poor just drank ale. Honey was used to make a sweet alcoholic drink called mead which was drunk by all classes. Low-alcohol drinks at the Elizabethan Era time has been estimated at around one gallon per person per day.The Elizabethan period saw the expanded use of sugar.

Evaluation: The information was long and handy information.It had the creators name and the date when it was last retrieved. I learned about much more then just the food but how they made it and what they

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