
Elizabethan Era Diet

Decent Essays

The success to a healthy life is a healthy diet. For those living in the Elizabethan Era food was directly linked to health. Although diet in the modern age is simple, diet patterns of the Elizabethan era was very complex. The Elizabethan era’s diet was complex because it relied on many differentiating factors. These factors were class, region, religious holidays, and nutrition values. When comparing the diets of the classes there are no specific types of classes just upper and lower class. Class played an immense role in diet because the wealthier you were the better quality food you could afford. Another factor that affected diet was the different regions in Europe. Southern Europeans ate differently from Northern Europeans because they were able to grow certain foods, and different animal species were in greater abundance. Religious holidays also altered diet because certain religions prohibited consuming certain foods on specific days. An example of a religious holiday is Lent. Nutrition values and theories were plentiful and diverse. There were many lists from many different physicians pronouncing their newest diet regulations for a healthy life. All of these factors affected the Elizabethan diet. In the end one’s lifestyle greatly affected one’s diet.
Back in the Elizabethan era, there were many different ideas …show more content…

The diet between the upper and lower class differed in what they could afford. The upper class citizens of the Elizabethan era ate lavishly and extravagantly. As they could afford the spices from Asia and the freshest meat on the market. While the lower class citizens ate poorly. The lower class diet consisted of many vegetables and fruits with meat as a rare luxury. Vegetables were seen as unfit for the wealthy because they came from the ground. While the diets of the upper classes seem to be very different from those of the lower classes, there are many similarities that can be

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