
Definition Essay Topic Of Anxiety

Decent Essays

I chose the topic of Anxiety because I am very familiar with the disorder. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. That is what google says anyways. In my perspective anxiety is a pain in the you know what. It is not knowing what tomorrow will bring. It is overthinking every little tiny thing. It is not being able to walk up to the table full of girls because what if they hate you, or what if the world blows up that very second. Anxiety was me. It consumed me. Elementary school through about seventh grade was living hell for me. Starting with the first day of Kindergarten when they had to tear me off of my mother’s leg all the way to the middle of seventh …show more content…

There are more than three million cases in a year. These cases are usually self diagnosed. I find this inaccurate. I’ve heard people say everyone has anxiety at some point in their life. WRONG. Call me Trump, but that just doesn’t seem right. Worrying if you’re going to get to work on time is not anxiety. That’s not setting your alarm clock for the right time. As decribes it, “Anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful situations. but in some cases, it becomes excessive and can cause sufferers to dread everyday situations.” Anxiety is not something that shows up in a brain scan. Trust me. They tried it. Anxiety is a broad term used for a label on many other issues that can be going on. For example someone with Anxiety many experience panic attacks, OCD, PTSD, ADHD, and depression. No matter what you experience, there’s a solution. Medication is the leading source of treatment for those with some type of anxiety. Counseling is a big one too, but that is not effective until you let it be effective.
Today I am a very happy person. I am still taking the same medication and go to the same appointment every couple of months to tell the doctor that I’m happy and I feel I’m taking the right dosage. I still have my bad days. Like any human would. If I don’t take my medication, it feels like the world might end tomorrow. I still get nervous about little things that any normal person wouldn’t blink at, but I’ve learned to accept that. I no longer hate myself. I hate my

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