
Columbine High School Shooting

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April 20th, 1999 is a day that will never be forgotten, on that day the first school shooting massacre accord. At around eleven fifteen a.m. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris opened fire on students at Columbine High School in a suburb of Denver, Colorado. What drives two teenagers to the point of mass murder? These kids had come to a dark road in their lives and they succumbed to it completely and that is when they began to plan for the biggest school shooting. What drove these two teens to their breaking point and what was the result of their choices? Throughout high school they had been bullied and made fun for the way they looked and acted. So most investigators believe that this was the breaking point for these two teenagers, they had …show more content…

It was discovered that these teenagers committed these crimes because they were apart of a group called the Trenchcoat Mafia who was fascinated by goth culture. It was considered that because of the boys playing violent video games and listening to dark music, it influenced them into becoming killers. Though none of these theories can actually be proven it was speculated by many investigators that those were the reasons for their killing spree. Klebold was actually found to be sort of a nice person, after some investigation into the people that had come in contact with him, but he was also hurting inside but Harris was totally different. Eric Harris wanted to hurt people, he was mentally ill and had a vendetta against all people who saw were inferior to him. Psychiatrists diagnosed him as an actual psychopath, he was one to have complete awareness to what he was doing and never really had remorse. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris had also gotten into a lot of trouble, they were accused of robbing a van, but they avoided prosecution for the robbery by participating in a "diversion program" that involved counseling and community service. They had began with small petty crimes and just progressed from there up until the point where when shooting their victims would stop and watch them writhe with pain and …show more content…

They had come to their breaking point and could no longer take it any longer so they did what they thought would fix their problems. And what they chose to do was to destroy the lives of so many people and to even end their own. This event made history as the first ever school shooting massacre and that was their goal they wanted to be noticed. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had even destroyed the sense of safety across the nation because now everyone believed someone they knew could be a

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