Part1: Collaboration in a Group Tasked with a group project is not limited to the classroom setting, but also to the professional world. The key to a successful group project is often collaboration and there are a few steps that if followed can make a project successful. This supply chain group suffered through many different issues from the very start. Some great ideas were brought up in the beginning, but as soon as Dr. Wilson questioned an idea the group would change their mind. Both Bob and Stephanie brought up some ideas that if the group would have listened to them, they would have noticed these were good ideas for the project. Their ideas were quickly dismissed by the group. This was due to the groups’ insecurities in their own abilities to make the project successful. The lack of self-confidence in the group delayed the project even further because no one was willing to stand up for their ideas and push it forward. There remained no shared vision in the group, the only consensus they reached was that no one liked the format of the group project from a previous class. Trust in each other’s abilities was another challenge for the group. There were people who admitted that they did not trust anyone in the group to lead because no one had the experience they felt was necessary to make the group project a successful. The lack of trust among the group proved to be a hindrance in the take-off the project. The group ultimately chose Natalie as the group leader, after
Overall, this group project went very well and was completed on time due to the fact there everyone including myself assigned ourselves with a task role, relational role and from the start had individual roles present such as leader, compromiser, and gatekeepers in the group that made it
In this group project, I had a major role in ensuring that it came together in a unified way. Generally, I usually take a leadership role in group projects so I was the central person coordinating group meetings and ensuring sufficient communication. To begin the project, we divided up the work by assigning people to work on the case study, find literature, summarize the textbook, and talk to key informants. My assigned part was to summarize the textbook, which also ended up lending itself to finding some additional sources to build on what the textbook was lacking. In regard to the group literature and informant summary, I ended up writing most
Not only will I evaluate each student in my group, but I also will review our full value contract and seeing how well we followed it. The last thing that will be in this paper is the parts of the project and the actions of others that I believe went well and the parts that I believe did not go as I thought they would. All together the parts of this paper will sum up how the communication and ability to follow through or not with individual tasks effected the overall group and ability to create a successful program.
Working in a group to achieve a high quality group project can be one of people’s most difficult school experiences. Working in a group is tough because there is often someone who does not pull their own weight. “There are five stages to group development, adjourning, forming, storming, performing, and norming” (John & Wiley pg 166). Christine’s group from the Case Study the Forgotten Group Member is in between the Storming and Norming Stages. The Storming Stage “is dealing with tensions and defining group tasks,” while the Norming Stage is dealing with high emotionality and tension among the group members” (John & Wiley pg. 166). Christine and her group could have had better
My role in the project was make sure all our ideas followed within the guidelines of the instructions. I would occasionally throw an idea out to my peers, but with an introverted group I usually wouldn't get much feedback. As the project came to expiration I learned that even though sometimes being in a group makes the work load lighter it can also occasionally make the work harder since it's more difficult to mold multiple individuals preconceptions into one
Even though I start off quiet, and may have problems with procrastination,. I should do well on this group projects long as I work in a small group where the work is disturbed evenly. Plus I am a very organized when it comes to group projects and writing essays. I take one step at a time and work with my group members and cooperate with distributing the work into four parts. Myer Briggs is known for the indicator test. Myer Briggs talks about how people take these test to indicate what type of personality they have. This test was made to see how people have their own personalities and understand them Myer Briggs developed a list for each personality: Introvert-Extravert, Sensing-Intuitive, Thinking- Feeling, Perceiving- Judging. All of these
My involvement in the group 4 project has given me the great opportunity to explore different fields of science. I was not only able to learn about the biological aspects of our project but, I was also able to obtain a greater understanding of how different perspectives and factors are involved in varying fields of science.
The human brain is constantly looking for negativity. For example, after we clean the floor, I try looking for spots that I did clean that look dirtier than the rest, or when I buy a cup of lemonade from Chick-fil-A and there's pulp in it. All I can taste after that is the pulp. However, some people condition their minds to only see the positives. In high school, I had this friend named Beth Johnson. Beth is around 5 feet tall, loves giraffes, and has never said a negative word about someone or situation. Beth and I had this group project with three other people who are athletes and, since they were athletes, they believed they could tell excuses for not doing their part. At the end of the project, Beth and I both put over $300 into our project
This project was a major component of the classes’ final grade: which is thirty percent. At the beginning of the course the professor, Sandra, divided the class into groups of five. Christine’s group members were Diane, the quiet one who never gave input, but when asked directly had great ideas; Janet, the person who everyone could rely on and always went above and beyond what was required; Steve, had a business like attitude and was basically the one who kept the assignments on track; lastly, Mike, was seen as the class clown, unorganized, and the one that never managed to be on time. Christine was extremely organized and thorough and was given the title of team coordinator (Schermerhorn, Osborn, Uhl-Bien & Hunt, 2012).
1. Describe and explain the characteristics of effective groups. What are some of the characteristics of
I noticed how abruptly Jules interrupted Lisa and continued to run the group meeting as if no other leader happened to be present in the room. This became the initial issue I notice in the group if given the opportunity I would have controlled the discussion differently by creating an agenda from beginning to end. The group leaders initiated the meeting with an introduction and statement of purpose. This idea is smart and helpful it gives the member an idea of the group’s purpose and a reason to continue to participate. The group collectively created norms for a sense of a safe atmosphere such as confidentiality, respect, and non-judgmental. I began to see the cohesiveness of the group formed when Lisa reviewed what she recently mentioned to a member that arrived late. Knowing that the group will remain with the same people can increase the connection among group members and
Setting deadlines, organizing materials, and making sure everyone did their part was my main role. Although I was in-charge of the group, I made sure to include the creative input from all members. For example, the group, as a whole, decided on the materials and how to put the body system together. My experience with the Frankenstein project allowed me to understand the importance of group cooperation and communication. I learned in order to have a productive group you need to be willing to compromise and take others perspectives into consideration. Part of what makes group projects great are the multiple perspectives and ideas that are available, so it is necessary to take advantage of all of them. Another important aspect is communication. Whether it’s over emails or text messages, knowing what is going on and when it is going on is key.
Do you agree having school projects at your school? What do you truly think about them? I agree with the use of group projects in school because it can teach children skills, a chance to make new relationships, and help improve their performance in school. The first reason is I agree with the use of group projects is it teaches children skills,such as leadership,communication,time management, and etc.
Collaboration consists of a few fundamental components such as the willingness to listen and learn from each other, sharing one’s own ideas and perspectives, having respect for each other, working together to achieve a common goal, and being responsible for the self and the whole group. A group has to collaborate in order to deliberate and achieve their common goal because the three phases of deliberation: information gathering, decision-making, and reflection, all refer back to the ability to collaborate with each other. While working in a group, group members should always work toward the goal of becoming a good leader, “a person who makes the groups she or he works in better” (Practice Deliberation as Citizenship, Gene Edgar) by being a responsible and respectful group member, and also being someone who is willing to go the extra miles to make sure everyone in the group is feeling comfortable presenting their ideas in the group.
Being involved in a group project was a challenge for me, due to the fact that we had some communication problems between our group members in the beginning. First of all, we started with a brainstorming, analysing the opportunities of companies around Hendon Central. More than this, we agreed on the same firm and started our work. Within a teamwork, there are some challenges that occur such as remaining focused on a direction, splitting equally the work and choosing a good leader. Bearing all this in mind, I might say that we did our best during the presentation and we coped with the minor communication issues. From this experience, I realized that I am a good leader and I can manage efficiently a project.