
How My Leadership Project Went And The Pros And Cons Of Each Member Within My Group

Decent Essays

Within this paper, I will evaluate myself and the rest of my group on how overall our leadership project went and the pros and cons of each member within my group. The members of my group include myself, Michael Williams, Divya Reitz, Zack Benner, and Travis Geidroc. Reviewing and looking at how well each student worked individually will help show where things went wrong or went well throughout the planning of the leadership project.

Not only will I evaluate each student in my group, but I also will review our full value contract and seeing how well we followed it. The last thing that will be in this paper is the parts of the project and the actions of others that I believe went well and the parts that I believe did not go as I thought they would. All together the parts of this paper will sum up how the communication and ability to follow through or not with individual tasks effected the overall group and ability to create a successful program.

How Well your Group Met your FVC

I believe that our group collectively did not meet our full value contract guidelines overall throughout the semester as we worked on the project. Even though we did follow the full value contract guidelines at times, I believe that there were ups and downs and it took time to get on the same level. As we discussed in class, there are stages for new groups and after we all established these rules and started meeting up it started to become noticeable who was meeting these guidelines and who

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