
Chemo Therapy Research Papers

Decent Essays

In life there are a lot of things that can happen to the people that you love and care about. The way you react to these tough times can change your perspective on life. In order to move past rough times, you need to look towards the future, and think about all the good and get rid of the bad. You have to be thankful for what you have, rather than what you do not have.
From early on in life I have had this perception where nothing awful can occur to the people who are most important to me. I had thought they were all invincible, and able to stand up against anything that was thrown their way. As I get older I realize that it is impossible to be indestructible. Looking back at what I had thought before vs. what I know now is life changing. …show more content…

My mom would need twelve weeks of treatment for the first round of chemo, and then four weeks of treatment for the second round. The two rounds consisted of two different medicines. The first round was longer, but the second round was more intense. I didn’t really recognize when she began to lose her hair it just gradually kept getting thinner and thinner. I knew that being bald was one of her biggest issues with the whole chemo portion of her treatment. She was going to have to lose all of her hair. When I thought about it I knew there were a lot of things in life that were worse than loosing hair. People face so many tragedies every day, and it is crazy to be disappointed about hair when people can die. I had tried to put into perspective why not having hair would bother my mom so much. I then realized that people could just see her for the disease and not herself. I didn’t realize that this part of cancer can be the toughest time for people because they look the most like cancer …show more content…

Even though things might look down at the moment it is up to you to make the best of the situation. In order to get past a rough spot in your life you need to think and act positive. You can have a poor attitude about the whole ordeal, or you can take what life has given you and make the best out of it. Focus on that idea that makes you want to keep moving forward and stick with it. Thank God for every little thing you have. It does not matter what things you do not have just the things you do. Whatever awful thing that gets thrown your way you need to find a positive out of it and grow from it. REMEMBER things do get better. At the time it might seem unbearable, but you have to look forward because God always has a plan for everyone. No matter what life throws your way you are always able to choose how you react to

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