In life there are a lot of things that can happen to the people that you love and care about. The way you react to these tough times can change your perspective on life. In order to move past rough times, you need to look towards the future, and think about all the good and get rid of the bad. You have to be thankful for what you have, rather than what you do not have.
From early on in life I have had this perception where nothing awful can occur to the people who are most important to me. I had thought they were all invincible, and able to stand up against anything that was thrown their way. As I get older I realize that it is impossible to be indestructible. Looking back at what I had thought before vs. what I know now is life changing.
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My mom would need twelve weeks of treatment for the first round of chemo, and then four weeks of treatment for the second round. The two rounds consisted of two different medicines. The first round was longer, but the second round was more intense. I didn’t really recognize when she began to lose her hair it just gradually kept getting thinner and thinner. I knew that being bald was one of her biggest issues with the whole chemo portion of her treatment. She was going to have to lose all of her hair. When I thought about it I knew there were a lot of things in life that were worse than loosing hair. People face so many tragedies every day, and it is crazy to be disappointed about hair when people can die. I had tried to put into perspective why not having hair would bother my mom so much. I then realized that people could just see her for the disease and not herself. I didn’t realize that this part of cancer can be the toughest time for people because they look the most like cancer …show more content…
Even though things might look down at the moment it is up to you to make the best of the situation. In order to get past a rough spot in your life you need to think and act positive. You can have a poor attitude about the whole ordeal, or you can take what life has given you and make the best out of it. Focus on that idea that makes you want to keep moving forward and stick with it. Thank God for every little thing you have. It does not matter what things you do not have just the things you do. Whatever awful thing that gets thrown your way you need to find a positive out of it and grow from it. REMEMBER things do get better. At the time it might seem unbearable, but you have to look forward because God always has a plan for everyone. No matter what life throws your way you are always able to choose how you react to
Life has up's and down's but you can get through because people come together to help. For instance, in the book Fever, 1793, the Free African Society went around to help the yellow fever victims. The doctors thought the Africans were immune to the disease because hardly any Africans died. When people come together, like the Africans helping the victims, you can get through it. You can get through it when people come together, because everyone starts working together instead of avoiding the
Losing your hair when you have cancer is something a cancer patient does not look forward to. I remember in the hospital when he was feeling down, because he was losing his hair and that day, I decided I was going to shave my head as well to make him feel less left out. Doing that I achieved this, seeing the smile on his face and him telling me "well now we both look goofy" Seeing him
In the tides of life, we will all experience loss, change and life transitions. Inevitability it’s all a part of being human, things are going to happen. Consider your own unique story, and the losses you have suffered along the way. Moving forward may require that you reflect on what is really important to you, your values, your beliefs and your faith. For the believer it’s growing in the presence and awareness of our Lord Christ. It’s a place of humility and growth and the immensity of having a place with Jesus.
People go through things in life, and that affects each person in different ways. Even so, we control ourselves. We have the power to overcome anything life is crazy enough to throw at us. You’ve got to keep a good head on your shoulders and make your decisions wisely. This way you won’t be drug down into a dark state, somewhere no one should be.
Why does chemo continues to be used even though there are safer alternatives that are nontoxic and have better results. The estimated global number is projected to rise to twelve million cancer cases by the year 2030. Cancer is the major cause of death amongst people under the age of 85, in the US 1 in 4 people die from cancer! In the year 1969 Dr. day stated “We can cure almost every cancer right now [1969]. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it’s ever decided that it should be released.” Dr. Day continued “But consider – if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else.”
When they do most of us crumble, others bounce right back to face the challenges of everyday life. They may even come back stronger than before. Being positive can help people bounce back from bad times in their life. When stress levels are running on high people that are more resilient are the ones that are more able to self-generate positivity. You can use the hardships that you went through as an opportunity to learn from the situation rather than focus on the negatives in your life. Just like in the first topic I talked about you need to stay in the moment because this will help you to not contemplate about the problem or stress about the future. Like the Bible says, "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34).” Try and find the gifts in the tough times. ““The sand that irritates the oyster eventually makes a beautiful pearl. You may not see the gifts in your situation right now, but have faith that they are there. I have heard many women with cancer talk about the unexpected gifts they experienced: finding out how many people truly loved them, learning how strong they were, and being able to help others also going through cancer (7 ways, 2011).” There may be pain initially, but you have to remind yourself that everything in life is temporary. Pain is only temporary and does not last forever. “Happiness and success in life doesn’t come through selfishness, but through selflessness. The best way to feel alive on down days is to get up and do something positive for the folks around you. And remember, you don’t need a reason to help someone. Just do it. The reason will come to you (7 ways, 2011).” “One of my role models who I look up to once said, “Happiness is meant to be shared (Abby
Life will take you on a ride if you let it, but God will keep you on flat ground. Through painful experiences such as Miranda, Micah, and my health, I learned to trust and not ride the roller coaster of life. Peace was a prize I desired; therefore, I put my confidence in the power of Jesus Christ and chose to rest in His Word. Silence can be your best defense during difficult times. Simply choose not to talk about the things you cannot change and give it to God. At the same time, change the things you can to improve your situation. If you do
Sometimes it is a gentle wave, but sometimes is a raging wave. Life is kind of that, when we are in a difficult time, we will get a “raging waves” and contrary. Therefore, we can get over it or not, it depends on ourselves. Once, when I was in high school, my teacher said: “The path of life always haves a red rug with roses, but the roses will have thorns”. Honestly, I really love this direction, and I will talk more about this.
Life is an amazing thing that should be appreciated no matter what you go through. Everyone has their share of problems in life. Most of us find ways to overcome tough obstacles. One obstacle that I faced and will never, never forget happened during my first year of college at Sacred Heart University.
Being in rough times can cause many people to become emotionally distressed. However, having a positive mindset helps to make it bearable. Finding the light in the darkness can help to sustain even the most horrendous situations as did Anne Frank in “The Diary of a Young Girl” and Shmuel in “The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas”. Thinking about the future, staying positive, and being grateful help to pull you through the roughest.
Every obstacle life throws your way is turned into a good thing because it will help you gain an experiences. By living through a though patch in life humans just get up brush the dust off their shoulders and keep on keeping on. It doesn’t matter if their dealing with failure, lost, or death we always get back up and continue moving forward.
It has been said that life can never be carried out and truly lived to its fullest unless there has been some sort of suffering and pain. Mistakes are to be learned from, and a hard past can only result in a stronger present. Though many might find themselves alone in their misery the truth is they are not, everyone has struggles. We all have our ups and downs, but it is how we react to them that truly matters. Life is life and no matter what, giving up on lifelong dreams and aspirations because of a few bumps in the road should never be an option.
It’s not what the situation is but how in which you handle the situation and bettered yourself at the end of the day. So whether it’s the loss of a family member or a family pet, you shouldn’t let that destroy you. You should use those circumstances to push yourself to do better not just for them but for yourself as well. I was able to defeat those issues in my life now I’m a senior in high school on track for graduation. I’m prepared to go out in to the world knowing I can handle anything thrown at me and keep
One important thing to remember is that no matter how difficult and dark things may seem, life goes on.
Life has many obstacles that it will throw your way, its if people are going to overcome them. Everybody has something there dealing with right now and will always be. It's just what is going to happen during life no matter how hard anybody tries for them to not come. And when they come (and they will) the decision will have to be made, overcome them or get knocked down and have more problems that will come. It's all about attitude towards it, will people fall down and feel sorry for themselves or will they stand strong and fight their problems head on. I don't know what’s coming and nobody else does but it's up to you to make it.