My trials and tribulations came at me sooner than I expected. Testing myself endurance on how to juggle my personal life and school life. Rushing me to grow up faster than expected, challenging my abilities to take care of my family and other responsibilities. My high school career from ending of tenth grade to beginning of my senior year help mold be to become a stronger more self-sufficient young lady. Although I have endured struggles in my personal life I was able to overcome those issues and still be able to stay on track to my main goals, graduation.
My first tribulation came the morning of February 14, 2015. What was supposed to be another Saturday morning turned into something more. I had been told via Snapchat that my older brother
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Wake up, get dressed, check on my mother, walk to school, softball practice, go home, make sure my mom was okay and find dinner. She was calm and neutral while sober during the day but at night it was like a switch went off and she became her inner demons out loud. It was traumatizing to listen to my mother tell me, her last child, that she wanted to take her life. It was like my inner emotions and griefs were piling up inside of me along with trying to prepare for my final exams and EOC’s coming. I truly felt like giving up on everything at that point. It was too much I felt I couldn’t possible juggle everything and stay put together without breaking at some point. Yet I knew I couldn’t I had to be strong for my mom and myself and overcome these trials in my …show more content…
It’s not what the situation is but how in which you handle the situation and bettered yourself at the end of the day. So whether it’s the loss of a family member or a family pet, you shouldn’t let that destroy you. You should use those circumstances to push yourself to do better not just for them but for yourself as well. I was able to defeat those issues in my life now I’m a senior in high school on track for graduation. I’m prepared to go out in to the world knowing I can handle anything thrown at me and keep
Transitioning from middle school to high school now college. Hardships and victories I have experienced it all. I have gone from the shy student to one of the most involved and active student in my school.
These problems felt crippling, but after working a retail job with a friend, I was able to slowly overcome my personal problems and gained confidence in myself. I later transferred to Oklahoma State University and majored in microbiology. While I was attending OSU, I should have been more selfish. Putting others ahead of myself contributed to the poor reflection of my true potential found within my transcripts. I lost sight of my future goals while time was split between work, school, and taking care my girlfriend at the time and her daughter. Through the difficulties of those years, I emerged as an infinitely better person and after our separation I gained a sense of self-realization. Life is full of tough choices and I feel confident in making decisions quickly and effectively. I returned to Tulsa from Stillwater with a renewed sense of self and a clear view of the future I
“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” This quote, by George Orwell, is the epitome of the very definition and role of a soldier. All around the world, people can sleep peacefully while soldiers are taking a stand for the very human rights that allow for such carefree attitudes. Throughout history--and even in present times-- soldiers are the ones that have risked their lives in taking a stand against ideas or events that infringed upon their beliefs; and this was no different in the Korean War. The Battle of Pusan Perimeter during the Korean War was not only a stand for the freedom of South Korea, but was also a stand against the very idea of communism and totalitarianism.
My journey through undergrad was similar to a flight going through a lot of turbulence. I came in knowing what I had to do, make Good grades, shadow doctors, and volunteer/participate in community service. However, there were a lot of trials and tribulations. It was not until after my freshman year when I hit rock bottom academically that my whole world
Well my journey starts out just like most high schoolers. I graduated for high school in May of 2012. I got ready to start my next chapter in my life at Iowa Central Community College. I had no clue what I was going to major in. I knew only one thing that I wanted to play football in college, and get my education payed for free. Also I wanted to make it to the highest level in football to play at the FBS level. Some things I had to do to reach that goal where be a good football player as well as a great student. I shortly figured out that I was going to just do essential studies and graduate.
Automotive industry pioneer Henry Ford once said,“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal”. Each and every day I live by this quote when thinking about my future and the obstacles that lay ahead. One hurdle that I can think to be the toughest is the transition from Elementary to Middle School. This was very terrifying for me as 11 year old juvenile. So what did I do? I made friends, did my best on my work, and looked toward the future. I wanted and still want my future to be finishing high school with honors, and working for United Airlines as a Captain. As a Sophomore in Park View High School, I have very much so passed the transition from Elementary to Middle, and feel good about how I overcame
My life was suddenly changing right before one of the biggest changes: high school. I had more things to worry about than other high schoolers. I had to figure out how I was going to get home, how I was going to get the house clean before my mom got home, how I was going to get dinner started, all on top of getting my homework done. Due to this, I wasn’t as serious with my grades. I let them fall even though I knew I could do better. I was just way too busy to focus on school when there were more important things to focus on- my family. I slowly found out how to balance everything to get my grades up. I had to learn how to balance my life to make myself happy while keeping up my
Every little mistake and success story in my high school years qualify as a factor to my personal change but by far the biggest experiences were definitely my efforts of maintaining a good GPA and the participation in the National Honor Society. Trying to achieve and keep up with my GPA was harder than it appeared but due to all the effort I can anticipate that whatever the future has in store for me I will be ready to endure. Not only was the experience of my GPA life-changing but it was also the door to bigger opportunities, one being the National Honor Society. Although I doubted myself almost every step of the way I can truthfully say the experience was transformative in the sense that it taught me morals I will cherish throughout the rest of my journey.
The end of my Sophomore year was the worst time of my entire life and the main cause of my beliefs and ideas of myself. Depression hit me hard and fast like being in the two minute and twelve-second knockout boxing match with Muhammad Ali, but gratefully received help from my family, school, and a special someone. It played a massive role in my effectiveness in school work and social life, but that became the start of what I would call a blessing. Motivation and ambition came quickly after the second semester after months of pressure and love from others who I am proud to call family and friends.
My junior year, especially the summer following, became a pivotal period in my life. I obtained many new responsibilities and participated in many different experiences that shaped me closer to the person I seek to become as an adult. I had recently earned my driver’s license, which required months of hard work and commitment. I then began my first job, working the front desk providing customer service at my community pool and additionally took on a leadership role by volunteering in my local community. These responsibilities helped me to develop new life skills.
My life just like everyone else on this crazy rollercoaster has been filled with lots of ups, lots of downs, and quite a few unexpected corkscrews. For me those downs have always felt more like the rollercoaster was flying off the rails and was never going to go back. Of course, given time things might not return to how they were but they will return to a constant and steady state. Some things will help speed up the process and other things are going to make it worse or slow it down. It’s all about finding new things that make you want to hop back in line and take another go around the track. Going to college has really changed how everything in my world works in a way for the better. The terror of showing up on the first day and knowing that your life is in your hands for the first time ever is terrifying, but at the same time it’s also the most exhilarating feeling. Everyday has been a new adventure and each time I think about what’s going to happen
in high school some challenges did approach me, I did not let myself down and I was determined
My first year of high school was filled with adventures and difficulties throughout the years. Comparing to my other years, I took challenges, such as taking on sports while finding the time for my school works and achieving my goals. However, I was able to find the way and fight through my freshman year.
Throughout my educational experience, I have endured countless hardships that made progress difficult at times. Although it was a struggle through my strong dedication to education, I have also earned a list of achievements for my hard work. These experiences from, failing two of my English classes, to excelling tremendously in mathematics, have molded me into the type of student I am today. I am a student with a growth mindset and, an optimistic outlook on education and, the bright future ahead. I now understand the impact that a positive mindset can have on your future. I am definitely proud of the student I have become. I feel like my journey is unique, but is also very relatable.
Although my transition was rough, in my sophomore and junior years of college, I thought that I wouldn 't be able to continue, but I have, and I am doing great. Pushing through struggles, making sacrifices, and staying focused on my goals has helped me to gain persistence and see the bigger picture. My adversities made me stronger as a person to reach for things that I never thought were possible. I have exceeded not only the limited expectations placed