
Brock Turner Research Paper

Decent Essays

On January 17th, 2015, Brock Turner, a 20-year-old Stanford freshman, sexually assaulted a 23-year-old unconscious women behind a dumpster located near a house party. The victim, who decided to not state her name and will therefore be referred to as Emily Doe, admitted in a letter she read aloud in court that that night she drank too much, too fast. However, this isn’t an excuse ‘nor a way to justify Brock’s actions. Someone who is drunk and unconscious should not be taken advantage of, they are still a person who should be respected no matter the circumstances.
Emily continued the letter by saying, “The next thing I remember I was in a gurney in a hallway. I had dried blood and bandages on the backs of my hands and elbow. I thought maybe …show more content…

Explain how forcing yourself onto someone and penetrating a naked and defenseless woman in a dark area, is not considered rape? How could any of this be considered a sole misunderstanding? Brock said that he thought the woman consented to having sex because she gave him a back rub. No conversation was exchanged, just a simple back rub made him think that it was okay to rape a drunk …show more content…

He even went to the point of saying she was probably an alcoholic and so he let Brock fill in all the information because he wasn’t unconscious ‘nor drunk yet, however, he was also drinking that night. If the attorney needed hard facts and evidence about that night then how is the redness and abrasions inside her, not evidence? How is the fact that her body was found behind a dumpster with pine needles in her hair and her bra pulled out, not evidence? If her being naked, unconscious, not moving, with a guy she didn’t know on top of her when she was found, not evidence that she was raped, then how is Brock running from the men that saved Emily and simply saying that he thought she consented to it because of a back rub, evidence that this is all just a misinterpretation, and since he did not think he was doing something wrong, should be given a light

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