
Assignment 301 - Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings

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Assignment 301 - Principles of communication in adult social care settings.

Ai) Identify four different reasons why people communicate.

. Create and maintain relationships
. To teach and to learn
. To share opinions
. Feelings and emotions

Aii) Describe two ways how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between individuals using the service, their carers, colleagues and other Practitioners.

Effective communication is essential in building a meaningful relationship between the resident and the carer as it can help build trust and respect. Effective communication is fundamental in regards to the resident’s needs and preferences and to ensure they are met. As a carer i would discuss …show more content…

Aviii) Identify three examples of barriers to communication and explain how you could overcome each barrier?

BARRIER | HOW IT CAN BE OVERCOME | Physical barriers | Physical barriers such as noise and temperature are easily overcome, try turning off the television or radio or setting the room to a more comfortable temperature. | Physiological barriers | Ensure any aids the individual needs to communicate are made available and are working correctly. | Psychological barriers | An individual suffering from dementia may sometimes struggle to communicate their wishes, in this situation I would reassure the individual Simplifying my words and speaking clearly and slowly giving them time to ask me questions and respond. |

Aix) Describe two strategies that you could use to clarify misunderstandings.

. Ask the individual to repeat what you have told them to confirm their understanding.
. Ask the individual questions to determine their understanding.
. One way of preventing the misunderstanding in the first place is to refer to the individuals care plan to determine his/her preferred mean of communication

Ax) A social care worker wants to enable more effective communication with
Individuals using the service. Explain how they could access extra support or services that may be helpful.

If a service user is demonstrating hearing difficulties, they could be referred to a general practitioner for a hearing test to determine whether or not

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