Assignment 301 - Principles of communication in adult social care settings.
Ai) Identify four different reasons why people communicate.
. Create and maintain relationships
. To teach and to learn
. To share opinions
. Feelings and emotions
Aii) Describe two ways how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between individuals using the service, their carers, colleagues and other Practitioners.
Effective communication is essential in building a meaningful relationship between the resident and the carer as it can help build trust and respect. Effective communication is fundamental in regards to the resident’s needs and preferences and to ensure they are met. As a carer i would discuss
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Aviii) Identify three examples of barriers to communication and explain how you could overcome each barrier?
BARRIER | HOW IT CAN BE OVERCOME | Physical barriers | Physical barriers such as noise and temperature are easily overcome, try turning off the television or radio or setting the room to a more comfortable temperature. | Physiological barriers | Ensure any aids the individual needs to communicate are made available and are working correctly. | Psychological barriers | An individual suffering from dementia may sometimes struggle to communicate their wishes, in this situation I would reassure the individual Simplifying my words and speaking clearly and slowly giving them time to ask me questions and respond. |
Aix) Describe two strategies that you could use to clarify misunderstandings.
. Ask the individual to repeat what you have told them to confirm their understanding.
. Ask the individual questions to determine their understanding.
. One way of preventing the misunderstanding in the first place is to refer to the individuals care plan to determine his/her preferred mean of communication
Ax) A social care worker wants to enable more effective communication with
Individuals using the service. Explain how they could access extra support or services that may be helpful.
If a service user is demonstrating hearing difficulties, they could be referred to a general practitioner for a hearing test to determine whether or not
3.1 There are many barriers to communicate both visible and invisible. One of the most common starts with oneself. One must make sure that the language used is one that the individual can understand. It is no use talking to someone about abbreviations, slang or
3.1 – Explain how individuals from a different backgrounds may use communication methods in a different way
4.8 Barriers to effective communication, different nationalities, religions, cultures and beliefs. Also different age groups, Disability, learning difficulties or memory loss. My client suffers from depression and mood swings which can cause a barrier.
Communication is highly important, especially in an elderly care setting. It is useful in many different ways and situations, for example; if the service user had vision impairments, it is important that the professional speaks loud and clearly pronunciating properly however is not patronising in any way making the service user feel uncomfortable. This gets important information, such as changes to medication, across clearly to the service user without them feeling uncomfortable or unaware.
In this assignment, I am going to explain a number of these strategies aimed at improving the quality of communication in health and social care settings.
Before I proceed with Mr H's care I check his care plan where it is documented how he likes to be communicated with. Any changes to Mr H's communication ability should be reported and documented straight onto a daily diary sheet and into his careplan where other staff members are able to see the changes noted.
AnswersSome things stop communication being as effective as it could be. There are communication barriers within a health & social care environment and it is important to understand them so you can overcome them. It is very important to be able to communicate effectively in a health & social care setting. A service user will not be able to take part in a discussion about their care or planning their future if they do not understand what is being said. Equally, I cannot help if I cannot find a way to understand what the service user is trying to ask for. There are many factors that affect communication. They are:Sensory Deprivation:When someone cannot receive or pass on information because they
Nurses and family members need to speak slowly and clearly, in a low pitched voice, maintaining an open friendly communication manner and also using eye contact and touch. Speaking slowly is very important as it allows patients who can’t have a conversation to understand you better, patients with dementia take longer to process information and sentences, so speaking style such as emotion, sound volume and what you say can be the difference between a patient with dementia understanding you and not. It slowly allows the patients enough time to take the words in and process the sentence. Speaking clearly and in a calm voice will help reassure the patient and help them cope with following your words. Speaking clearly and calmly will help relax the patient. A nurse should avoid speaking sharply or raising their voice, as this may distress the person even if they can't follow the sense of your words. Low pitched voice is used to calm the patient and not bring about any distress or frighten them. Low pitched tone can be used to sooth the patient if in any distress. Gaining eye contact with a patient is very important, if they are sitting down kneeling down at there level can be of benefit so they no you are there. This allows the nurse to get their attention and help them focus on the conversation without scaring them. Maintaining eye contact while speaking with the patient can also be of benefit. Love and affection can
In health and social care effective communication a key skill all professionals should have when working with families, carers, children and young people. Having this skill helps to build trust it can also encourage the individual to use the services. Effective communication is essential when trying to establish and maintain relationships and it is a process that involves listening, questioning, responding and understanding. However there are many barriers that can effect how effective the communication is a few examples of these barriers could be: language, personality, visual or auditory impairment or a disability. In order to over come these barriers there have been many advances in the strategies that can help in situations where the
Focusing on communication skills, this assignment will reflect on how I began to build a therapeutic relationship with my chosen service user. My clinical placement area centres on adults living with physical disabilities, with the establishment providing both residential and nursing care. Due to the type of facility, the individuals prefer to be referred to as residents as opposed to patients or service users, so I will use this term from here on in when referring to individuals living within my practice area. Confidentiality is crucially important as highlighted by the Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct which states “as a nurse, you owe a duty of confidentiality to all those who are receiving care” (NMC 2015, page 6, point 5). This safeguards
Everyone needs educating and supporting including myself when looking at the individuals preferred method of communication, and everyone in the above list can give valid input in assessing for example swallowing by the speech therapists. This can include communication with the RN, GP for referral, to speaking with the catering chef and carers. By doing this with effective communication and documenting accurately we can ensure that everyone’s input is maximized and as well as being written and passed on verbally it is put into practice. This results in the clients personalized care needs being met
As a care assistant effective communication is a vital skill in the workplace, on an everyday basis. I use all of these below to help promote and ensure the wellbeing of all service users and my colleagues.
Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context.
Effective communication plays an integral role in the workplace of health professionals. Effective communication allows professionals to form and develop relationships with colleagues and patients. I recently had the opportunity to speak to a Specialist Geriatrician, and
Even with the best communication process, the initial receiver’s confusion of the information received may come from the distractions around them. Therefore, one must understand what causes these barriers and come up with a solution because