
Assignment 1.7 Poetry

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1 Assignment 1.7 Poetry Assessment How does communication change us? 1.Does communication change us? Write a paragraph in which you answer this question and provide at least 3 reasons to support your opinion. (20 points) Yes, Communication can change people in many different ways, depending on the type of communication and the message it conveys. Communication changes people by educating them; allowing people to exchange feelings and ideas with others; making possible arguments and reconciliations; and in many other ways. Communication can be misunderstood too there’s many different types of communication. 2. Provide an example of each poetic device from any of the assigned poems. For each quote, explain the author’s intended meaning. What is the author really saying? (36 …show more content…

Provide one example of each sound device from any poem assigned in this course. Explain the effect the use of that device has on the author’s communication of the poem’s message. (24 points) Sound DeviceExampleEffectAlliterationPoem: “Summer”Quote:Juice dripping running and rippingI can analyze that juice is dripping from something the characterhas as he/she rips & run around.AssonancePoem: “Ziggy’s Coffeehouse”Quote:smooth stones crunch beneath my shoesThe effect is the crunching soung from the rocks or stones the character is walking on.ConsonancePoem: “Analysis of Baseball”Quote:Ball hit bat, or ithits mitt.The effect is the ball hitting the ball or hits mittOnomatopoeiaPoem: “Summer”Quote: Bugs buzzing The effect I have from this quote is that

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