
Argumentative Essay On Organic Medical Marijuana

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Organic Medical Marijuana

“The White House of National Drug Control Policy reports that prescription drugs are second to Marijuana as the drug of choice for teens. But medical drugs account for seven of the top ten drugs used by high school students.”

Cannabis is called a gateway drug, but why and for what purpose? About 50 years ago pot aficionados had no choice but to deal with criminals to get their stash. In studies, It turns out that associating with people who use hard drugs is the actual gateway to hell. If the Pot source is not associated with addictive drugs, there is no door to open.

Street Cannabis became disassociated with hard drugs, as Weed became more popular. In fact, Canadian clinics have found Weed to be very effective in anti-addiction and withdrawal programs for Heroin and Crack.

Do the Math – Cannabis is not a gateway drug!

Now the Doctors and pharmacists can provide us with some numbers. Among the many good medical marijuana doctors, there is a also an epidemic of suspect activity; see celebrity deaths for cases in point. People are generally not aware of the scope of the drug problem at some levels. Not all people know that 30-50% of Pharmaceutical sales cater to drug misuse and abuse. Doctors often get paid from each prescription they write, which are too often for a fake “chronic” condition. It takes a minute or less to write this fake prescription. It is easy to do the math and see how to afford a luxury life.

Prescription Drug Fraud and Misuse. This report shows us fraud by pharmacists and Doctors, however, that’s nothing! The worst scenario is where the patient claims a really headache or something and the Doctor allowing the patient maximum access to medications.

“Prison is the biggest business in America,” he says. “[If] you got the money, you can build a prison out in Nevada and it’ll be filled before you finish building it. That’s a fact, and that’s a shame.” Merle Haggard

Medical Marijuana is a Gateway AWAY from Hard Drugs

Cannabis has proven to be anything but a gateway drug, since Medical Marijuana legalization in US. A lot of studies indicates that prohibition and criminalization are main factors that lead to hard drug use. Prescription

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