
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Essay

Decent Essays

Alcohol abuse is a serious problem, driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs is an even bigger problem that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Abusing either one of these substances can lead to the death of you or the death of someone else or even cause a major change in their life like Jacqueline’s story, her whole life has been changed because of another person’s ignorance and carelessness. Therefore, you should know the facts about drug and alcohol abuse before you do something you may regret for the rest of your life.
According TO NIDA FOR TEENS: THE SCIENCE BEHIND DRUG ABUSE, drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work. Drugs find their way into your bloodstream, whether you ingest, inhale or inject …show more content…

That is when he began dealing drugs. He then got caught and now resides in maximum- security jail. In many cases teens that you may know do end up going to jail because they have become addicted to the drugs they have been using and they will do anything to buy what they need. At that point your fellow peers or even friends will begin dealing drugs thinking that it is the quickest means of receiving money. With the money they receive, it goes towards the drugs they want to purchase. According to TREATMENT EPISODES DATA SET (TEDS) 1992-2002, SAMHSA, 2006, Marijuana is addictive. More teens are in treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependence than for all other illicit drugs combined. Several teens begin using substances when they are introduced to marijuana. Marijuana is referred to as a gateway drug, and many teen users begin using because they are depressed, having family problems, or any other struggles they are experiencing in their lives. Teens begin smoking marijuana, thinking they are not going to become addicted. Truth is marijuana use by teenagers who have prior antisocial problems can quickly lead to addiction. Therefore, if you were to begin using marijuana, you should be aware that you can become addicted. As stated by NIAAA, UNDERAGE DRINKING: A MAJOR PUBLIC HEALTH CHALLENGE, The younger you are when you start drinking, the greater your

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