
Adoption: An Argument Against Abortion

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Abortion is a prominent and controversial issue in our society today. It is simply not right for the mother to kill an innocent baby for her own convenience when the unborn has the most to lose. Women would rather kill a child, instead of letting it live a happier life with another family. Abortion should never be an option for a family, and adoption should be promoted over abortion in any situation.
Generally, women regret their decision later on in life, and regret is one of the worst feelings in the world. Every baby is a unique creation of God. The bible says in Psalm 139:13 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Citizens who choose abortion are easily ending a human being’s life. The individuals that …show more content…

This angel could have been a world changer, but those who get abortions think about themselves rather than their baby. Most do not believe this child they carry is actually human until it comes out of the womb, The Abortion Debate: Understanding The Issues says, “A human being exists from the moment of conception.” Women who get abortions are lacking the responsibility to take care of a child. No child should suffer through a heartbreaking decision the mother has put on herself physically and emotionally. Abortions should not exist, for God has a plan for women and their children. Frequent suffer the rest of their lives from a condition called Post-Abortion Syndrome, which is characterized by feelings of depression and anxiety.
“You Shall Not Murder,” God’s sixth Ten Commandments. Women getting an abortion is murder. Many do not realize they are killing a real human, and teens are more than likely terrified to understand what they are doing. Mothers killing innocent children because it is a legal thing to do, and not as expensive as having a baby. Abortion is less than having to commit to a child for eighteen years. Numerous women commit crimes while believing they are choosing the right idea. Abortion should be illegal, so women will not murder more creations of

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