
Abortion is a Murder Essay

Decent Essays

A long on-going subject that has been greatly debated in our society is abortion. Many people argue that because the baby in the mother’s womb is not alive, aborting him or her is not considered a murder. However, others say that as the baby’s heart and brain are the first things to develop, the baby is technically alive and killing it would be a murder. As soon as the baby has a heartbeat, it has life. Abortion has many characteristics of a murder, including the killing of one human being by another, it’s unethical, and it is done without the consent of the person. Murder is often defined as the killing of one human being by another. Most societies consider murder to be the most serious crime that is righteous of the harshest and …show more content…

Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy that is often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. As life begins at conception, unborn babies are human beings and thus have the right to life. The federal Unborn Victim Of Violence Act that was made to protect unborn babies from murder states that anybody intentionally killing an unborn baby should be punished for killing a human being. Abortion is a murder because it is taking away someone’s life. Even though the baby isn’t born yet, the fetus in the mother’s womb still feels pain while being aborted. No person, not even a mother, has the right to hurt someone. To keep a child, who can’t even speak, from growing and from living is a murder. Abortion is tremendously unethical, just like murder is highly immoral. Many religions oppose the idea of abortion; Christianity considers abortion to be a sin under all circumstances; Hinduism considers abortion to be a form of violence. In addition, when the woman decides to have a sexual intercourse with a man without any proper use of contraception, she knows that pregnancy will result. If the mother did not want the baby in the first place or if she could not take on the responsibility of the baby, then she should not get pregnant just to later on kill the unborn innocent child in her womb. Abortion can not only harm the baby, but can also cause physical and psychological damage

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