
Istj Essay

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Professions that tend to draw the ISTJ’s wants for schedules and results oriented satisfaction are general surgery, law and accounting. The ISTJ can be a success at any career but tend to shy away from careers that require abstract thinking and interpersonal spontaneity. Other popular ISTJ career directions include: Management, Accounting, Auditing, Engineer, Dentists, Stock Brokers and Law. ISTP-Is work that is routine like an administrator or open-ended like research is not what the ISTP is looking for. They need a career that will allow for spontaneous energy in problem solving and have a tangible, achievable goal. Other popular ISTP career directions include: Pilot, Police Officer, Medical Technician, and Paralegal. INTJ’s view …show more content…

They love to problem solve. If they ever find themselves in a situation that doesn’t challenge them, they will grow discontented and depressed. Listlessness is their greatest pain. Other popular INTP career directions include: Strategic Planning, Writer, Lawyer, Computer Programmer. ISTP IS Work that is routine like an administrator or open-ended like research is not what the ISTP is looking for. They need a career that will allow for spontaneous energy in problem solving and have a tangible, achievable goal. Other popular ISTP career directions include: Pilot, Police Officer, Medical Technician, and Paralegal. INTP Solving Dominant Function: Introverted Thinking Quiet, contained, flexible, adaptable, skeptical, sometimes critical, always analytical… INTP’s naturally question and critique as they seek to develop logical explanations for what interests them. They are interested more in concepts and ideas than in social interaction. They can focus deeply to solve problems but have little need to control their world. ISTP Introverted Thinking Tolerant, flexible, quiet observers who are interested in why and how things work so they can use them efficiently and effectively. They are uncomplicated in their desires and realistic and they get through large amounts of data to find solutions to practical problems. ISTP’s are interested in cause and effect and organize facts using logical principles The INFP wants to help their fellow man. The field of teaching is

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