Professions that tend to draw the ISTJ’s wants for schedules and results oriented satisfaction are general surgery, law and accounting. The ISTJ can be a success at any career but tend to shy away from careers that require abstract thinking and interpersonal spontaneity. Other popular ISTJ career directions include: Management, Accounting, Auditing, Engineer, Dentists, Stock Brokers and Law. ISTP-Is work that is routine like an administrator or open-ended like research is not what the ISTP is looking for. They need a career that will allow for spontaneous energy in problem solving and have a tangible, achievable goal. Other popular ISTP career directions include: Pilot, Police Officer, Medical Technician, and Paralegal. INTJ’s view …show more content…
They love to problem solve. If they ever find themselves in a situation that doesn’t challenge them, they will grow discontented and depressed. Listlessness is their greatest pain. Other popular INTP career directions include: Strategic Planning, Writer, Lawyer, Computer Programmer. ISTP IS Work that is routine like an administrator or open-ended like research is not what the ISTP is looking for. They need a career that will allow for spontaneous energy in problem solving and have a tangible, achievable goal. Other popular ISTP career directions include: Pilot, Police Officer, Medical Technician, and Paralegal. INTP Solving Dominant Function: Introverted Thinking Quiet, contained, flexible, adaptable, skeptical, sometimes critical, always analytical… INTP’s naturally question and critique as they seek to develop logical explanations for what interests them. They are interested more in concepts and ideas than in social interaction. They can focus deeply to solve problems but have little need to control their world. ISTP Introverted Thinking Tolerant, flexible, quiet observers who are interested in why and how things work so they can use them efficiently and effectively. They are uncomplicated in their desires and realistic and they get through large amounts of data to find solutions to practical problems. ISTP’s are interested in cause and effect and organize facts using logical principles The INFP wants to help their fellow man. The field of teaching is
This feature of the Bearau of Labor Statistics web site is a helpful career guidance tool which provide information on a wide range of careers. It provides details including job description, working conditions, job outlook, education requirements and pay scales. A user can choose from more than twenty occupation groups such as Sales, Design, Military and Healthcare. A career search can also be filtered by median pay, education, job growth and on-the-job training. Overall there are many ways to discover new careers listed in their database.
After taking the survey I learned that I was an Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging or ISTJ. ISTJ’s are known for keeping the rules and not liking things that have unclear rules. They also hate when things or people have inconsistencies, or when people do not keep up their end of an agreement. They love being apart of organized groups such as government, schools, the military, and churches because they all have a set way of doing things and do not sway in their beliefs. Their social skills are excellent because they are precise and to-the-point. Feelings are something that ISTJ’s have a hard time discussing, because feelings are random and out of their control. When ISTJ’s are learning something it has to be important and practical for bettering
Specifically, she has narrowed her choices to one of the following careers. What are the employment outlooks for each of these occupations?
According to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), I am an ISTJ personality this means that I am an Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging person. ISTJ are very faithful, loyal and dependable. We are also reserved people who are interested in a secure and quiet life. ISTJ’s place importance in being honesty and can be trusted to do the right thing for their families and friends. There are some weaknesses to being an ISTJ personality we are stubborn, insensitive, and judgmental. This test is amazing it really nailed my personality.
Introduction: The following report sheds light on one specific career option that a group of three scholars chose and shows how their personality traits as well as their interests and employment backgrounds make them either the most qualified or the least qualified for the job position. The job that the group chose was intelligence analyst. The report will explain whether or not there should be competitiveness between the group members when it comes to applying for a similar job in the near future. When one is applying for a career there are many things employers take into consideration. Among the highest are the applicants ' willingness to work in the career field and in the set location. The applicant experience and the applicants ' personality traits that make them stand out from the other applicants are also extremely important.
In the Myers Briggs test, I received the letter combination “INTJ”. This is someone who is an introverted, intuitive, thinker, and a judger. The careers suggested for this sequence was a nurse, counselor, and a manager. This allows me to work with my own ideas and philosophies. When I must work with people, they will be intelligent people who can work at my level. I can be very inflexible and single-minded.
When researching a career, we must create an intellectually, creatively, and socially-informed picture of our professional futures based on our developing individual interests and personal goals.
We use our strengths, values, and interests to help us realize our career aspirations and academic goals. Based on my assessments the career options that best suit my results are in the fields of medicine or technology. Other possibilities specified include Dentistry, Computer Science teaching, and Database Administration.
( I also got INFP due to having a score of 3% for Thinking, meaning I'm almsot an equal mix of Thinking and Feeling) Upon reading the information given about INTP persenatly types i find myself conecting and agreeing with most of the content. This was esspecily evident in the "cumoncation style" section. The sentences, "But, with people of equal intelligence they may enter into discussions or debates. INTPs often distance themselves from superficial acquaintanceship and keep to a social circle of colleagues and like-minded individuals." seem to explain me exceptanly well. I do find myelf getting into debates all the time with my older brother, who has a similer persenality. The career options said to suit my persenality the best were also pretty close to feilds I'm already interasted in, such as law and engneering. I took a look at INFP too, and found parts of me in some of the explanations given. I feel the statement , "[f]ew can rival an INFP in their ability to deeply empathize with the other party's emotions and the struggle in their lives." is pretty accurate. As I've said, this test was very insightful and my favourate of the
The different areas of this path include different interest, requirements and skills. From my ONET Interest Profiler, my interest are social, enterprising and conventional (National center of ONet, 2011). This means I like
Myers and Briggs created a personality test that not only will help people to figure out their personality types, but at the same time it aids in the discovery of which career pathways people should take based on their specific personality traits. Based on the personality trait INFP that was given to me from the Myer-Briggs test I have quite a few career pathways that fit my personality. Some of the career choices suited to my personality is a writer, counselor, teacher/professor, psychologist, psychiatrist, musician, or a religious worker; which seems like a pretty broad selection. Although there is a broad selection of careers that would suit my personality none of which are the career path that I have chosen; which is to become a physical therapist, but if I was not set on a goal some of these career ideas would not seem too bad. While reading the list of jobs suited for my personality I was surprised to see that psychologist was on the list because before I decided to go for physical therapy I wanted to pursue a career in that exact field. As for most of the other fields mentioned above I
Obtaining a career focus is valuable in any college student’s lifetime; therefore, it would be profitable to meet with a career counselor to discuss occupational goals and interests. Moreover, involvement with the Focus 2 assessment is another contributing factor used to guide the career decision making process. The Focus 2 is comprised of five simple tests that will analyze compatible careers for the individual taking the assessment. Mr. Richard Glass, the career counselor that agreed to meet with me, believes that the work interests assessment produces the most promising results. For instance, my work interests fall under the social, artistic, and investigative categories. Through computerized analysis, I was given a list of occupations that would agree with the data received. The content of this paper will evaluate the results of the Focus 2 assessment, in addition to the major points discussed by Mr. Glass. Come the end of this paper, the reader will gain a better understanding of my work
ISTPs and virtuoso’s also have interesting career paths. “ISTPs thrive on diversity and unpredictability, on wondering “what’s next?” every morning.” My personality type are born as problem solvers and have easy solutions to everyday problems. Virtuoso's like career paths with freedom where they can make their own responsibilities and their own schedules. One sought after career for ISTP is a forest ranger where they have traditional work.
Living primarily inside their own minds, having the ability to analyze difficult problems, identify patterns, and come up with logical explanations. Seeking clarity in everything, therefore driven to build knowledge. Intelligence and the ability to apply logic to theories to find solutions is highly valued. The natural drive to turn theories into concrete understanding may turn into a feeling of personal responsibility to solve theoretical problems, and help society move towards a higher understanding (Portrait of an INTP. 2012.). “INTPs are pensive, analytical folks. They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them (Butt, J. 2012).”
I found that it was interesting that most career paths among the logistician personality type include those with respected tradition, authority, security, and established consistency. Common careers consist of military officers, lawyers, judges, and police officers. This was