Everyone has a different personality that determines their patterns of behavior, thoughts, and feelings. Myers Briggs have determined that there are sixteen different personalities among people. Upon completing the short questionnaire, I have been assigned the logistician, or ISTJ, personality type. In the past, I have completed other personality tests when I was trying to decide on a major that most fit me. These other quizzes also resulted in this personality classification. With that in mind, I am not surprised at my results. Also, upon reading some of the common characteristics of a logistician, I felt that it described me best. According to www.16personalities.com, the defining characteristics are integrity, practical logic, and tireless dedication. This means that if a logistician says they are going to do something, then it is going to get done. I constantly find myself making lists of items or chores I need to get done for the day or week and will not sleep until it is done to my satisfaction. Laziness or constantly putting something off is one of my biggest pet peeves. I found the extent of this when I came to college and had to live in an apartment with roommates who were not use to living in a clean and organized environment. This has been the greatest struggle while at college. I have been trying to find the happy-medium between what I see as a completely dirty, messy disaster and other people seeing as a typical college apartment. A second characteristic is the aversion to depending on others. I have found that in group projects, I would much rather complete all the work instead of relying on others to contribute because I know that it will be completed correctly and satisfactory. Again, regarding to living with roommates, as frustrating as it can be to be the only one cleaning and making sure the apartment is somewhat presentable, I believe that it is the only way that it will be done properly and to my standard. I found that it was interesting that most career paths among the logistician personality type include those with respected tradition, authority, security, and established consistency. Common careers consist of military officers, lawyers, judges, and police officers. This was
I have taken the Myers-Briggs test many times over the years and the results are always in the ISTJ (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) area. I am the epitome of the Dragnet's Sgt. Joe Friday character; who is credited with the phrase “Just the facts, ma’am.”
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) “is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions” (13). It is one of several personality assessments that is popular among modern mental health experts throughout the world. Currently, it is estimated that the MBTI is “taken by more than two million people per year and is translated into 16 languages (10). “The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people 's lives” (4).
According to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), I am an ISTJ personality this means that I am an Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging person. ISTJ are very faithful, loyal and dependable. We are also reserved people who are interested in a secure and quiet life. ISTJ’s place importance in being honesty and can be trusted to do the right thing for their families and friends. There are some weaknesses to being an ISTJ personality we are stubborn, insensitive, and judgmental. This test is amazing it really nailed my personality.
During the power point on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, as the instructor went through the different types of personalities, I was able to recognize which subcategories I fall into almost instantly. When my computer personality test results were returned, I was correct. As I read the type descriptions of Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging- ENFJ- I quickly recognized myself within the descriptive words.
The logistic personality type, also known as ISTJ, is one of the most common among the population. Roughly 13% of the population is classified as a logician. Those whom have this personality trait emphasize on integrity, practical logic, and dedication. Once they set their mind on a goal, they do not stop unless it has been achieved. Due to the determined mindset, they prefer working alone or being in authority. Every task that they take on is completed with very close attention to detail and accuracy. One whom has been classified with this trait does not assume things, instead analyzes his/her surroundings and the scenario. They heavily rely on facts to make their decisions, rather than their gut. People with this trait are very responsible,
Myers and Briggs created a personality test that not only will help people to figure out their personality types, but at the same time it aids in the discovery of which career pathways people should take based on their specific personality traits. Based on the personality trait INFP that was given to me from the Myer-Briggs test I have quite a few career pathways that fit my personality. Some of the career choices suited to my personality is a writer, counselor, teacher/professor, psychologist, psychiatrist, musician, or a religious worker; which seems like a pretty broad selection. Although there is a broad selection of careers that would suit my personality none of which are the career path that I have chosen; which is to become a physical therapist, but if I was not set on a goal some of these career ideas would not seem too bad. While reading the list of jobs suited for my personality I was surprised to see that psychologist was on the list because before I decided to go for physical therapy I wanted to pursue a career in that exact field. As for most of the other fields mentioned above I
While we did have a variety in terms of Myers-Briggs types, I found that there was little to no conflict between personalities. Everyone got along smoothly and there were no disagreements, only proposals of ideas that could improve a concept. Due to this, I feel we were able to do our best as a group.
After completing the assignment for this week, I found that I am of the introverted, sensing, thinking, and perceiving (ISTP) personality type. This personality type from the work of Carl G. Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers more commonly known as the Myers- Briggs type indicator suggest a few factors in my personality.
I felt the same about the definiteness of the MBTI personality survey. According to the personality survey I was an ENFJ personality type. I believe that I fit this personality type, not only because the career choices were on point but because how we think and generally are. We are dreamers, and we believe in our dreams, we also are helpers and supporters of humanity. My career choices were very similar to your personality type career paths. Its amazing how you can sense shoplifters but I guess that comes with experience. I do wonder how results would vary if we were in class and not online. Great
The Myers-Brigg Assessment, and the four dimensions of personality types based on the findings of Carl Jung, Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs, indicates Katie as an ISFJ (intuitive, sensing, feeling, and judging). People falling into this category are often known as nurturers. Additionally, individuals of this personality type tend to be practical, and sensitive towards other’s feelings. These traits make the ISFJ personality ideal for careers such as counseling where they are needed to give practical and emotional support. ISFJ personality types are reliable, and exhibit a strong sense of responsibility and duty (Sharf, 2013). Moreover, this personality type prefers organization, planning, and schedules, (Neukrug & Fawcett, 2015); qualities that Katie has presented in her coaching positions. These characteristics have been noted in jobs that Katie has held. Furthermore, ISFJ individuals carry high standards of work ethic (ISFJ-Introverted, Sensing, feeling, Judging). Careers where they serve others best suit their personality style. Both of Katie’s career pursuits necessitate serving others. ISFJ’s are warm, sensitive to others feelings, and value kindness; additional qualities essential qualities to being a genuine counselor and caring, nurturing, supportive coach (Portrait of an ISFJ, 2015).
“A warped piece of wood must wait until it has been laid against the straightening board, steamed, and forced into shape before it can become straight; a piece of blunt metal must wait until it has been whetted on a grindstone before it can become sharp." In this quote, Hsun Tzu, who was a philosopher (300 BCE), explains that a piece of wood must wait to be straightened, similarly to humanity that need to wait for someone or something to straighten their life, indicating a way to good. Throughout the life of a human being, factors contribute to build personalities, such an arrangement that creates labels on which people are defined. Most of the time, humans reflect characteristics of those individuals surrounding them, for example, family
The Meyers-Briggs personality test is a self-administered test used to determine a person 's personality type based on their preferences and self-perception. According to this test my personality type is ISTP which stands for introversion, sensing, thinking, and perceiving. In this essay, I will discuss the impact of these preferences in my life and my opinion of the results of the Myers-Briggs test.
After taking this test, your answers will show what type of personality you have out of sixteen varying sets. The different categories include a combination of introversion or extroversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or perception. This test showed that I was ISFP, or in other words, introversion, sensing, feeling, and perception. My test results describe me very accurately. Overall, I am quite, sensitive, friendly, and kind. I do not like arguments and conflicts and I care very deeply about others. All of these traits are described as an ISFP individual. The Myers-Briggs test relates similarly to the results of other personality tests, like the temperament
Although, my motivation to pursue a career in the medical field arises from intrinsic motivations; My personality has a part in my career choice because it was gained through the nurturing of family and extrinsically of course. The summary of my Myers-Briggs Type Indicator concluded my type as ISFJ. The “I” stands for introversion, and it means one focuses on inner world of ideas and impressions. Being an introvert applies to me and my life because I prefer to work alone, dislike social outings, and I am self-motivated. For example, I had to do a group project in my english class, and I disliked it. I wanted to work alone, but most of the work I wanted to commit too to make sure it got done. I researched the topic and got all the information
Just like stars, no two humans are exactly alike in their characteristics. We are all unique in our own ways, but we share some similarities that allow us to be classified into types. There are many tests that have been designed to classify humans into certain categories. Whether those tests measure intelligence, behaviors, or personalities, each one of us falls somewhere on the scale. Such tests help us better understand ourselves, our interests, our values, motivations, and skills. Consequently, those tests make it easier for us to know why we act the way we do. One of the most famous psychological test is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, commonly known as the MBTI. It is designed to evaluate personality types and their preferences.