
Values Essay Hnc Social Care

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In this assignment I will be discussing how my own personal value base impacts on Social Care Values and goals of my agency. I will also discuss how I have looked at anti-discriminatory practice, what values are involved and how I promote this in my own workplace. I will be identifying legislation and how this influences my practice as a worker.
I believe that a value is something that is important to an individual and the values that I believe in play a very important role in my life. My values are greatly influenced by my family. My values include family, health, being respectful and non-judgmental. I also value my daughter, my friends and being honest. I believe that a value is something that you should assign love and …show more content…

I believe this is important as it allows the individual to be able to do what they want and acknowledges that everyone is different and has different interests and tastes. Dignity within a caring role is also a very important value within my organisation as it gives the individual the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times. It allows each individuals care needs to be met in an honourable and person centred way. I believe that my own personal values have influenced the way in which I work and I am guided by the national care standards to fulfil these values even further.
Anti-discriminatory practice is an action taken to prevent discrimination against people, in this case, service users, on the grounds of disability, gender, race or religion etc. It allows practice within a care setting to promote equality and diversity. By having an anti-discriminatory policy within my organisation it allows for good practice and prevents discrimination against individuals on the basis of physical or mental disability, general health, religion or cognitive ability. I believe that by understanding each individual’s personal care needs or wishes, we are able to prevent discrimination against them. For example if a service user has a sight impairment, it is good practice to ensure that any group work activity that is available for the day they attend day service, is catered around their own

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