
Code Of Practices Non-Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care

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P2- resubmission Describe how code of practice and legislation promote non-discriminatory practice in health and social care. Legislation -Describe what legislation is Legislation is a law or a couple of laws made by the government and finalised by the parliament. The parliament decides whether the legislation is good enough or needs improvement. -Describe the equality act (2010) The equality act 2010 protects everyone from discrimination in their work place and all together in the society. It has replaced previous antidiscrimination laws, making the law different so it is easier to understand and making the protection stronger in some situations. It helps those who are treated in an unlawful manner. -How does the equality act (2010) promote non-discriminatory practice in health and social care? The equality act promotes non discriminatory practice unlawful discrimination, harassment and any other acts that are prohibited. They have an equality of opportunities between people have the same protected characteristics and people who do not have the same. Code of practice -Describe what a code of practice is. A code of practice is lots of rules and regulations written for you to tell you how people working in a profession should behave and tell you what wrong and right. They describe the professional conduct and practice required as the working people go to go their daily work. -Describe the nurses and midwife code of practice “Effective from 31 March 2015, this Code

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