
Epa's Role In Protecting The Environment

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The earth supplies humanity with a plethora of natural resources, but what has mankind done with these gifts? The modern world is a marvel of carefully constructed skyscrapers, painstakingly pieced together palaces, and brilliantly fabricated bridges. The United States has eliminated diseases that used to plague entire nations, constructed hypersonic jets, and made advancements in technology only dreamed about by past generations. However, society's beautiful and convenient design has a cost. Habitat loss has forced thousands of species of animals to become endangered or extinct. The improper disposal of toxic wastes has made a multitude of rivers and lakes unfit for sustaining life. The use of pesticides has ill-effects on not only the environment and the wildlife, but on people, too. However, the United States has made great strides in preserving the environment, and fixing the damage done. This essay will explore environmental protection in regards to organizations and legislation. One organization contributing to the conservation of the environment is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA works nationally to assure the protection of the environment through a variety of methods. For instance, the EPA enforces environmental laws and regulations. According to the organization's website: EPA works with its federal, state and tribal regulatory partners through a comprehensive Clean Water Act compliance monitoring program to protect human health and the

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