
EPA Environmental Analysis

Decent Essays

Numerous issues but primarily the environment fall under the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to their website, the EPA was established on December 2, 1970 in order to consolidate several areas of government control concerned with protecting the environment. (n.d.) One of the major topics the EPA has addressed was the impact of the automobile industry on the environment. In the 1970’s several hearings occurred that called Automobile manufacturers to give an account to the measures they were taking to reduce pollution from the emissions given off by their products. The administrator of the EPA, William D. Ruckelshaus did this due to the Clean Air Act of 1970 (n.d.) The Clean Air Act required auto manufacturers …show more content…

Those 22,000 plus patent filings was an increase of 182% over previous years. (Reuters, 2013). This increase is credited to the United States requiring auto manufacturers to double the fuel efficiency of their vehicles. The United States auto industry faces many new challenges when it comes to how it impacts the environment. Whether it is the new guidelines set forth by the EPA on emission control, international protocols such as the Kyoto Protocol or trying to to develop alternative power sources they must stay abreast of new regulations and technologies. The Clean Air act first drafted in the 1970’s pushes American industries to be accountable for the pollution that they produce so that the people of the world can enjoy a clean environment. The international community has embraced this attitude with the passing of the Kyoto Protocol and other agreements aimed at reducing emissions and other pollutants. This is a good step towards protecting the environment because pollution produced in one nation can affect the environment in a nation across the globe from the original

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