
EPA Environmental Issues

Decent Essays

Scattered with flowing rivers, lush forests, and everlasting plains, the environment is extraordinary, but is it a place for the government? Since December 2, 1970, the EPA has been restricting the use of our planet and taking our rights away.
Written in the most important part of the Constitution is the Tenth Amendment stating “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” Once this important document is broken in one small place, it becomes vulnerable, vulnerable to the bureaucrats taking your freedom from afar. This is an important turning place for America, we can either give in to the tyrannical forces or stand up for our rights that have been long preserved until now. Just to save a fish, the government sacrificed tens of thousands of jobs.
California is now suffering a major drought, the unemployment rate has hit 14% statewide with some towns up to 40% just because of the lack of water. All of this human suffering is made by one group, guess what, it’s the EPA. Because of a small …show more content…

That is more than the annual budget for the entire country all to one agency. The EPA has taken roughly $12,333 out of each American’s pocket. The EPA needs to go, it does not help, it is expensive, and it is unconstitutional. Some might say that the EPA should just put small restrictions on the environment. To the average person, this sounds reasonable, but these could cost you more than you think. One of the proposed laws is that you must get an annual car tune up. Little do they know, this will increase the price of each car $3,100 because the companies have to pay for the tune ups. These expensive regulations will only hurt the economy and make it harder for the less privileged to

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