
Hunting Helps the Environment Essay

Decent Essays

It is early in the morning; the majestic Elk bugles in the distance. The sun is kissing the tops of the peaks with the most beautiful gold, and painting the clouds rose red. The men and women who enjoy the outdoors whether it is hunting or just hiking help make these types of moments possible. Hunting and the ecosystem is tied closely to conservation of land and animals. The articles of “Hunting and the ecosystem” written by the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Department (SDGFP), and “Facts and statistics on wildlife conservation” written by Roger Holmes, director of the Fish and Wildlife, touch on how hunting is important in the environment to keep a good balance in the ecosystem. They also point out how hunters do more than any other …show more content…

“Hunting and ecosystem-based management is the smartest and most cost-effective way to manage our wildlife. The basic idea of ecosystem-based management is that you manage ecosystems rather than specific species or disciplines.” For example “you do not mange pheasants as much as you manage the ecosystem in which the pheasants live. If the ecosystem is improved, it will produce more pheasants naturally.”(1)

Hunting and hunters are the biggest advocates for conservation. They also provide for the most finical aid of any other organization that says they sponsor the environment and wildlife. (SDGFP)(2). Such organizations are PETA and SEIRRA. These clubs think they help the animals and the environment because they do not kill them, but they actually do more damage. Their goal is to save the animals and keep the woods from being touched. They hardly give any money to the conservation groups. The reason the ecosystems have to use conservation is because we have to much human interaction with the environment, as Roger Holmes touches on in his article. Like in small communities there is a lot more wildlife human interaction because the expanding nation. The PETA and SEIRRA clubs have also done nothing for the growth of the animal populations. The hunters have given new life to many species such as; White-Tailed Deer, Canadian goose, Rocky Mountain Elk, Wild Turkey, Pronghorn Antelope, and many others.


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