
The Application Of Best Practice Essay

Better Essays


The following sections, 2.1 – 2.9 provide an overview on the application of best practice as well as a guide to the rationale behind each stage. It is important to note the relationship between each stage and the effect that neglecting the initial planning stages can have on the overall process in terms of the impression applicants may form of the organisation and in terms of recruiting the right person for the role.

These sections are intended to provide a broad understanding of the process.

For more detailed information on how these stages may apply in your organisation, refer to the specific information sheets.

2.1 Planning the recruitment and selection process

Upfront planning includes thinking about the steps in recruitment and selection early; and scheduling the activity, resources and time to support the process. Planning is essential in the recruitment and selection process as it ensures the best possible process is followed. It helps to manage time constraints and streamlines the recruitment and selection process for both the organisation and applicant.

Planning is crucial as it allows analysis and design of the position to be filled to be according to what the organisation needs at the time and in the future. The departure of a staff member provides an opportunity to consider and analyse whether the position itself should change in order to provide increased benefit to the organisation.

Good planning also positively affects an applicant’s

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