
Best Practice

Better Essays

The yield expected from successful human resource management (HRM) or development (HRD) differs greatly depending on where the organisation is based, its’ culture, resources, size and socio-economic climate. Therefore, it is imperative that the development and delivery of improved human capital via HRM is rooted in the needs of the organisation rather than opting for an ‘off the shelf’ closed option such as ‘Best Practise’ or high performance work practices. Theorists have yet to settle on a definitive model for best practise, which itself suggests a certain degree of flexibility is built into the interpretation of what it could be. Here lies the first contradiction to the pro best practise argument as these rigid principals are yet to be …show more content…

This badge of honour was displayed in the 2004 Toyota Corporate Social Responsibility Report. Toyota is a large multinational organisation with an established reputation for providing good quality products by using lean production, highly automated and Tayloristic methods of manufacturing. Its relatively flat structure, efficient processes and seemingly endless resource enables this principal to be trusted by its’ employees and wider public. In 2004 the Japanese economy was emergent, though the automotive industry had began to plateau. The Toyota employee was and is, in general, semi-skilled and reasonably paid. The idea of ‘a job for life’ is still viable in Japan today. Though this sentiment is commendable, this may not work for all. The same type of statement could not be trusted within many similar automotive companies based in the United Kingdom today. Public redundancies at Jaguar, Ford and Vauxhall and the downturn within the economy over the last seven years has seen ‘job for life’ ideology diluted. Greater emphasis is placed on flexibility, particularly when all companies strive to achieve higher performance with less people capability. This is representative of how principals for the best practise models can work in one context, but fail in another. Incidentally, job

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