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    Obstetrical Hook Essay

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    Obstetrical Hooks Research Question 1: What is the obstetrical hook? What was it used for? Who were the key individuals that invented the obstetrical hook? Obstetrics: medicine that studies childbirth, pregnancy and postpartum. The obstetrical hooks where the blunt hook and the sharp hook. Weren't originally from Rome, they were influenced by the Greeks and the Latins. The Greeks called it agkistron and the Latins called it hamus or acutus. Used to maneuver small pieces of human tissue easily. Used

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    One of the most heavily performed surgeries on pregnant women is the caesarean section, also known as c-section, however many women are unaware of the complications, risks, and benefits to such an intense procedure. Most don’t even know that it is considered a major surgery. Many women are having caesarean sections in today’s society due to health risks to the mother and child and the mother’s personal choices, the number of surgeries performed yearly have been increasing steadily. We will explore

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    One of the common causes of dyspareunia is virginal dryness (Dean et al., 2014). Vaginal dryness happens due to post partum decrease in circulating estrogen, which can increase in women that are breastfeeding (Dean et al., 2014). Episiotomy can impact sexual life postpartum and there is a debate as to whether it should be practiced or not (Boran et al., 2013). To assess the impact of episiotomy on dyspareunia and anal incontinence, Boarn (2013) conducted a study among 200 women post partum. The

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    M6A3: Pain Management for the Obstetric Patient Erin Johnson Reproductive Health Helene Wallingford August 10th, 2014 There are three stages of a pregnancy which start at conception and last until six weeks after the birth of the baby. The stages include antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum. Antepartum can be described as the period before childbirth, this would start at the time of conception until labor starts. Intrapartum is the labor stage of pregnancy. Intrapartum starts from

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    around in the 1700’s, although they were not called midwifes. The term Midwife comes from the Latin terms “mid” meaning with and “wyf” meaning women. In the 20th century the subject taught in medical schools change its name from “midwifery” to “obstetrics”. In the United States midwifes only deliver about 8% percent of all births. Midwifes have become less and less of a need because of the newer professions like an obstetrician/gynecologist (OB-GYN). Midwives provide advice, care and support for

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    Moran, L.J, Z. Sui, C. Cramp, and J. Dodd. "A Decrease in Diet Quality Occurs During Pregnancy in Overweight and Obese Women Which Is Maintained Post-partum." Obesity Research & Clinical Practice (2012): 84. Print. The article by L.J. Moran and his colleagues, show the results of pregnant women who are affected by their maternal diet during and after pregnancy. The article was published in International Journal of Obesity, after being peer revised in July 2012 and being published on August 2012

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  • Decent Essays

    our business will be added to Yelp. Yelp can help our business view and respond to reviews, provide data about the business. We will sponsor our Certified Ultrasound Technologist to visit Obstetrics & Gynecology Conferences to make a connection and advertise our NYC First Look Baby services. Obstetrics & Gynecology Conference is the opportunity to meet gynecologists from around the state who provide high-quality health care for women. Business lunches or dinners are an effective way to build

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    3D ultrasound also called sonograph, is often used in obstetrics during pregnancy, ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to confirm and the date of a pregnancy and to provide images of the fetus, the placenta and the amniotic fluid (Griffin,2014). A high frequency transducer is used to record the sound waves to determine the size and shape of soft tissue (Ratini,2015). It is also used to create real time visual images of the embryo or fetus in the mother’s womb (Griffin,2014).

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    Miscarriage In The Uk

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    Miscarriage – A brief understanding A loss of a fetus can only be deemed a miscarriage in the UK so long as it has a gestation date of 23 weeks 6 days, within the first two trimesters of a pregnancy. First-trimester miscarriages account for the majority of miscarriages, occurring in the first 12 weeks of gestation. They account for 20% of the overall rate of miscarriages (Stalder, 2012). Although light vaginal bleeding is relatively common during the first trimester of pregnancy, the most obvious

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  • Better Essays

    involved in intimate partner violence. Journals typically reporting on this topic were all known to be scholarly journals such as Journal of Perinatology, European Journal of Public Health, European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal Child Health Journal and Journal of Clinical Nursing. Seven studies were found that investigated the prevalence of IPV in women during pregnancy using the Abuse Assessment Screen

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