
Treatment Of Pregnant Women : The Caesarean Section

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One of the most heavily performed surgeries on pregnant women is the caesarean section, also known as c-section, however many women are unaware of the complications, risks, and benefits to such an intense procedure. Most don’t even know that it is considered a major surgery. Many women are having caesarean sections in today’s society due to health risks to the mother and child and the mother’s personal choices, the number of surgeries performed yearly have been increasing steadily. We will explore this rising trend and see what the pros and cons are to this surgery and why it is occurring at a more rapid rate than ever before. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “cesarean sections save lives, but they shouldn 't be performed unless they 're medically necessary. They 're necessary when the baby is in distress or in an abnormal position, or when the mother 's labor has become prolonged…c-sections should generally only happen in about 10 or 15 percent of births.” However, data shows that nearly one in three women in the U.S. deliver their babies by C-section, either for elective reasons, or because of a risk to mother or child. According to WebMD, “Today, C-sections represent 31.8% of all births in the U.S. annually -- that 's more than 1.3 million births. And that number continues to rise. In fact, in the last decade, the rate of C-sections in the U.S. has grown by more than 50%.” The short-term risks associated to c-sections to the mother during

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