Miscarriage – A brief understanding
A loss of a fetus can only be deemed a miscarriage in the UK so long as it has a gestation date of 23 weeks 6 days, within the first two trimesters of a pregnancy. First-trimester miscarriages account for the majority of miscarriages, occurring in the first 12 weeks of gestation. They account for 20% of the overall rate of miscarriages (Stalder, 2012). Although light vaginal bleeding is relatively common during the first trimester of pregnancy, the most obvious way a woman can suspect that she has miscarried is vaginal bleeding followed by cramps/pain in the lower abdomen (NHS, 2015).
Ultrasound scans are carried out in any pregnancy for four main reasons;
to confirm that there is a heartbeat
to assess
In the news article “Abortion: Every Woman’s Rights” Sharon Smith wrote an article about women’s rights to get abortions prior to the hearing of the Planned Parenthood v. Casey court case, “which threatened to severely restrict women access to abortion” (Smith). Women wanted reproductive control over their lives and felt that they were not equal to men no matter what advances they got at work and how high their level of education was. The women’s right movement wanted women to have the choice of abortion for all women, the rich and the poor. In the US, thirty- seven states did not provide
Immunological Factors: Some Females may have antibodies to sperm produced by the cervical muscles, sometimes the immune system of the mother can prevent the embryo from attaching to the wall of the uterus and cause a miscarriage
The Government is at a point of decision as to where they want to abolish late term abortions, while they are at this point of decision they use spurious as well as flagrant information to throw out into the media to coerce citizens to object on legalizing late term abortions. The Government should not be held up to any right to illegalize abortion as well as portray it as a horrific act as to which they classify it as a,“Termination of pregnancy” . late term abortions need to be legalized, for it will save lives of many. Mothers as well as babies will be saved from a painful and traumatic life. In which late term abortions are only performed under the circumstances to where the mothers or the infant's life is in danger.
Abortion is one of the most controversial issues in today's world. Abortion in Australia is a subject of state law rather than national law. The grounds on which abortion is permitted in Australia vary from state to state. Once a woman is pregnant, she has all of two options firstly, continue the pregnancy, secondly, try to end it. People tend to turn to the law when trying to decide what is the best possible solution to an unwanted pregnancy. Abortion remains in the Criminal Code in Queensland, contained in sections 224,225 and 226 which make it a crime to perform an abortion, access an abortion, or supply drugs or instruments to be used in an abortion. Most states and territories have re-examined and reformed their laws to varying degrees, starting with South Australia in 1969, leaving Queensland with some of the most restrictive abortion legislation in the country. 빅토리아에서는 합법적임
"Abortion in the United States." : Quick Stats. Guttmacher Institute, n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.
In reviewing a woman’s right to abortion, I defer to the Eight and Ninth Circuits’ decision in part, finding the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act unconstitutional. Here, I dissent the Court’s decision ruling the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act should be sustained. The Act restricting abortion procedures that are proven to be reasonably safe, without any exceptions to the ban, fails to provide safeguards for a woman’s life or health. It imposes substantial obstacles in her path to choose her faith and to exercise her reproductive right protected by the Constitution.
Annotated Bibliography Kools, S, Levi, A,J,& McLemore,M,R, (2005),Calculus formation: nurses’ decision-making in abortion-related Care, Research in Nursing and Health,38, 222-231. Doi:10.1002/nur.2165. This is a research study conducted by three professors in the United States of America about the ethical issue-Abortion and how it influences in nursing care. It also explains the approach of nurses towards ethically challenging work- abortion in different departments.
By definition, the Tenth Amendment gives much more power to the states. This Amendment states that any powers delegated directly to the national government in the Constitution belong solely to the national government. Meanwhile, any powers not specifically given to the national government are given to the state governments, regardless of if the powers were specifically given to the states or not. These powers are called unenumerated, or not listed, powers. This Amendment gives more power to the state governments, and therefore ensures that the national government can overtake all of the power. In federalism, power is shared between the national and state levels of government, which the Tenth Amendment lends greatly to by separating
Ethical Question: Should abortion be abolished? Is abortion murder? Should rape be considered a reason for a young woman to get an abortion?
This first twelve weeks of development is known as the first trimester, in which 1.6 million abortions are
1 in 4 girls have an ectopic pregnancy, which is also called a tubal pregnancy. It is not considered a miscarriage, but it is considered to be in the same category as one. The difference between a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy is that with a miscarriage, the fetus is still growing but along the way something happens. An ectopic pregnancy (tubal pregnancy) is when the fetus is misplaced in a fallopian tube and the tube ruptures which can cause you to bleed out to death. This is very difficult to find since an ultrasound can’t pick it up
According to the text book Parent-Child Relations: An Introduction to Parenting by Bigner and Gerhardt (2014), miscarriage is the word known for a pregnancy that ends unplanned during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. The reasons why miscarriage happens varies but there is no exact cause and no exact way to tell when and how it can be prevented. Bigner and Gerhardt (2014) also mention that around 10 to15 percent of known pregnancies are miscarriages. This topic is important to discuss because even though 10 to 15 percent of pregnancies seem like a small amount of miscarriages, it is actually a vast majority. Miscarriage is a difficult challenge that both the mother and the father of the unborn fetus have to go through which is why more individuals need to know more about miscarriage. First I will discuss why miscarriage happens and how it can be preventable. Next, I will discuss the impacts of miscarriage on both the mother and the father. Lastly, I will discuss how parents can cope with the loss of their unborn fetus.
What do you consider to be the Strengths and Weaknesses of the British Approach to the Regulation of Abortion?
Annotated Bibliography Alcorn, Randy. " 39 ProChoice Arguments. " Seeking Direction? There Are Answers.
According to London et al. (2014), stillbirth is defined as the “death of a fetus or infant from the time of conception through the end of the newborn period 28 days after birth” (p. 481). In 2011, in the country of Taiwan, there were a total of 2,321 stillborn births and it was reported that 60% of the women who experienced this loss suffered from severe postpartum depression within 4 years (Tseng, Chen, & Wang, 2014, p. 219). Although it is known that the mothers of these infants suffer with traumatic stress, follow-ups after stillbirths are rare and there is no community support groups available. There is not much information available on the experience of Taiwanese women who experience a stillbirth nor is there information about the steps taken by these women to recover from their loss. Thus, this study seeks to understand the experiences of these Taiwanese women who have experienced the loss of an infant and how they cope within their society (Tseng et al., 2014, p. 219).