form of statistical analysis. It is therefore, not surprising to note that the typical undergraduate curriculum in economics includes a course in econometrics or statistics. There are two main reasons for this occurrence. First, the improvement in technology and sheer computing power over the last two decades has enabled us to handle more and more data in less and less time. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, econometricians used electromechanical desk calculators to churn out regressions outputs, which may
recommendation, all newly chlamydia and gonorrhoea cases identified from their respective study cohorts were selected for analysis. For the chlamydia study, the sample size was 37,419 chlamydia cases and 374,419 aged-matched controls. Whereas for the gonorrhoea study, the sample size was 4,987 gonorrhoea cases and 49,870 aged-matched controls. 3.3.10 Data Recoding Prior to analysis, the variables shown in Table 3.6were recategorized into new variables. These re-categorizations
5. Results 5.1 Decision Trees Evaluating the Model In this case the model results include: Tables that provide information about the model. Tree diagram. Charts that provide an indication of model performance. Model prediction variables added to the active dataset. The tree diagram is a graphic representation of the tree model. This tree diagram shows that: Using the CHAID method, thal factor is the best predictor of heart disease. For the value 6 and 7 for thal, the next best predictor
4.4.3 Regression Analysis In this study, a multiple regression analysis was applied to test the influence among predictor variables. The research used statistical package for social sciences (SPSS V 20) to code, enter and compute the measurements of the multiple regressions. Table 11, Regression Analysis Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .789a .623 .616 .48825 a. Predictors: (Constant), staff skill, documentation, funding, procurement procedure Source:
ANALYTICS Data Mining is the computerized acknowledgment of diverse patterns in extensive data sets that are past analysis. It utilizes diverse mathematic algorithms to locate the right information as well as foresee the probability of future events. Some key properties that I learned in this topic are: • discovery of useful patterns • predictions of their future outcomes • analysis on larger datasets • useful data from them With increasing data the storage of the data must also be increased
linear regression allows you to predict scores on one variable to the scores on a second variable. It uses one independent variable to describe the relation of the independent and dependant variable as a line. Multiple regressions are learning about the independent and dependent variables relationship between each other. It enables you to predict the value that is unknown from two or more variables. It assists with the prediction of the value of Y. Non-linear regression is an analysis where
The movie industry has grown massively over the last few decades. The number of movies that are produced every year and the box office revenue generated is increasing. With so many movies released per year, people in the film industry have started to look at predicting the box office revenue that a movie will generate. Film studios release multiple movies a year, some will make a lot of money and some will not make as much. Simonoff and Sparrow (2000) state that final total box office revenue
Purbasari (2006) on Indonesia, Johnson and Mitton (2003) on Malaysia, Agrawal and Knoeber (2001) on US and Sapienza (2004) on Italy. Faccio (2006) and Faccio, Masulis and McConnell (2006) however, used an international sample and a cross country analysis approach to investigate the phenomenon of political connectivity across the globe. In this paper, the authors identify the gap in the literature to argue the
of the methods used are given below. Ordinary Least Squares Method After collecting and cleaning the data, the first model was built using all the regressors under consideration. A thorough analysis of this full model, including residual analysis and multicollinearity check was done. The best subset regression was also tried. The normal probability
A Citation Count Prediction Model for STEM Publishing Domains Goals I attempt to tackle the task of citation count prediction using existing and new features. Looking at multiple domains, I identify differences both in the ability to predict citation counts as well as the nature of features that contribute to the prediction. For instance, the phenomenon of famous authors attracting more citations is more apparent in Biology and Medicine compared with other domains. Additionally, while the popularity