Model Reuse with Bike Rental Station Data Authors: 1. Arun Bala Subramaniyan, M.S. Industrial Engineering, Arizona State University. 2. Dr. Rong Pan, Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, Arizona State University. Introduction and Motivation Bike Rental Stations are a good business in places with large number of tourists and also the native people rent bikes for their day to day work. In this project, the bike rental station located in Valencia, the third largest city of Spain is considered. The bike rental company would like to predict the number of bikes available in each station three hours in advance. There are atleast two uses for such prediction. At first, a user plans to rent (or return) a bike in 3 hours time and wants to …show more content…
This process is continued for selecting the best model for all the new stations (201 to 275). The R software package is used for this purpose. The extracted best models for the new stations are stored in .csv file. In some cases, the prediction result is negative or it exceeds the maximum limit of the bikes that can be parked in a station. This can be overcome by adding a constraint such that whenever the result is negative, the value is reset to zero and whenever the result exceeds the maximum limit, the value is reset to the number of docks at the particular station. So, this helps in reducing the error value. Prediction Using the extracted models, the number of bikes at the new stations is predicted. The same constraints are applied to avoid negative values and over fitting. The R software is used for predicting the number of bikes. The results of this prediction are stored in .csv file. Other Methods tried for prediction Instead of reusing the trained models, new models were built with the given deployment data for stations 201 to 275. Some of the methods used are given below. Ordinary Least Squares Method After collecting and cleaning the data, the first model was built using all the regressors under consideration. A thorough analysis of this full model, including residual analysis and multicollinearity check was done. The best subset regression was also tried. The normal probability
##This data frames won't be actually put to use, but it is good to have an unaltered copy of the train and test sets for reference and exploratory analysis.
Instead of minimizing the demand-weighted distance between the opened facilities and their assigned demand points, the objective of Model III is to minimize the expected maximum demand-weighted distance between the opened facilities and their assigned demand points. Other settings are identical to Model II.
* Loads were picked up from location A and delivered to one of 5 warehouses, placed on another truck with optimized route for location B (software driven route optimization)
Z multi = 0.5 × [1.49155 – 0.0000938× X(1) distance preferences – 0.049155 × X(2) arrival demand time + 0.0006566 × X(3) no. of carts + 0.0005628 × X(4) velocity of carts] – 0.5 × [1.4642 – 0.0005717×X(1) distance preferences – 0.049406 × X(2) arrival demand time + 19 × X(3) no. of carts + 0.0006390 × X(4) velocity of carts]
The American bicycle industry is very volatile. From 1967 to 1970 sales average about 7 million units a year; in 1973
How does the graph from your experiment data compare with your prediction? What happens to the distance traveled as time goes by for the car on the ramp?
Sheta, A. F. (2006). Estimation of the COCOMO model parameters using genetic algorithms for NASA software projects. Journal of Computer Science, 2(2),
Reflecting on the simulation one of the things that should have changed would have been changing the interval of the trucks so more of the product could have been transported from the
The value of 4 bikes held as inventory at the end of January may be calculated as follows:
Using the information given in the tables and the assumptions, calculations were made to determine the unknowns. In Table 2 (page 5) it was determined how much fuel the vehicles consumed in total and per passenger as well as the cost of this fuel consumption in total and per passenger. In Table
There is a total capacity (rail carloads) of 14 that is available to serve a total demand (rail carloads sold) of 15. With this mentioned, there is an unbalanced capacity and demand. To solve for the proper shipping route, we will have to include a dummy
With the positive coefficients, we will see an increase in one unit of each variable separately compared with the advancement in diabetes. With a 0.05 parameter, the linear regression model selects 5 predictor variables with significance, age, tc, ldl, tch, and glu. To validate the assumption, we can plot the residuals versus the fitted values to see if there are any indications of signs of random distributions. For the residual plot, we see there are no indications or violations of random distribution and can calculate the MSE of the model, which is 3111.265. Next, we will leverage the best subset method to select the predictor variables that are truly impactful to the model.
The shipping cost and/or unavailability of transportation between the plants and some locomotive locations will eliminate some of the routes due to cost inefficiency. These routes are the unacceptable routes and will not be considered for distribution from the specified plant. By removing unacceptable routes, Solutions Plus is able to build a linear programming solution to determine which plant/locomotive location combinations are optimal. Based on the shipping cost provided, the routes that are eliminated are as follows:
According our estimation from day 640 to 730, we had the mean 14.098 drums. Hence, we set the capacity number to 15 and let the production non-stop by adjusting higher order number and 200 quantity per truck. Let’s summary our work as the following: Our process: figure out whether we should build factory and warehouse in specific region. estimate the demand of four region and Fargo region, change capacity, adjust order point, quantity, and priority order, check and adjust parameters from time to time
| This fits our production system adequately. Since our assumed working cycle time is 6sec(=10 cycles/min) and it meets the requirement of 1300cars/day. On the other side, this is capital intensive but not as expensive as the first one.