The treatment of malaria is governed by a variety factors which determine the ability to successfully eradicate this disease. It is important to treat malaria as soon as possible if experiencing the related symptoms. Identifying the species of parasite is a major factor when deciding the correct treatment to use, the location of infection is equally important as well. In certain areas of the world, treatment with antimalarial drugs has become ineffective due to resistance of the parasite. Therapy
happens. As a result, the spread of malaria in rural areas has dropped sharply without corresponding decline in urban areas. For example, the proportion of malaria cases in urban areas has increased in many parts of India.The proportion of people living in urban areas are increasing every year, which becomes the main reason.In addition, the social and economic factors that contribute to urban malaria are similar to those that cause malaria among countryside people. Malaria is one of the main causes of Africa's
Malaria and Global Responsibility The United Nations has declared 2000-2010 the "decade to roll back malaria." The social, economic and human effects of this disease are dramatic: 40% of the world's population is currently at risk for malaria, and it kills an African child every 30 seconds(7). The presence of malaria, as that of most other endemic tropical diseases, is directly related to the precarious living conditions of people in developing countries, but is also a cause that hinders growth
Describe the transmission cycle of malaria? Malaria is a virus transmitted by a vector known as the mosquito. When pregnant female mosquitos hunger for human blood spreads the virus. Malaria can also be spread via blood to blood, such as transfusions, organ donation, and childbirth. Mosquitoes acquire the virus when biting an infected human. Malaria has two hosts the human and the mosquito. The virus is transmitted from the mosquito via saliva when being bit. The parasite begins it journey
geographic distribution of malaria. Depending of the certain factor, determines the outcome of the pattern of malaria. Climate is a major factor when looking at the causes of malaria on a global scale. Climate can be simply described as the weather conditions predominant in certain geographical areas and/or over a time period. Where malaria occurs is principally reliant on the climate. Different regions and continents around the world vary in temperatures, which is why malaria occurs in certain regions
Imported Pediatric Malaria 6/29/15 Introduction Imported pediatric malaria is a term used to describe malaria that was contracted in a child from an endemic region, but was diagnosed and treated in a non-endemic region. Malaria in the pediatric population is a worldwide phenomenon, with children under the age of five comprising 85% of deaths caused by malaria (Schwartz & Vinci, 2012). In non-endemic regions, such as the United States, the majority of malaria cases consist of
suffer from malaria each year, and over one million people die from this disease every year, mostly children younger than five. This disease is endemic to over 100 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and the South Pacific, almost 40% of the world population. Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transferred by the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. The most deadly form of malaria is known as Plasmodium falciparum because almost all deaths from malaria are caused
stable malaria transmission. This majority of women infected the malaria risk of maternal anemia and delivering a low birth weight (LBW) baby. I will focus on the impact of malaria during pregnancy and subsequent infant mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. This reviews aim is to investigate the impact of malaria during pregnancy on low birth weight (LBW) in sub-Saharan Africa with various levels of malaria transmission. Pathophysiological Process The Plasmodium falciparum is most cause of malaria infections
Malaria Abera, Obesie Chamberlain College of Nursing NR-281-14161: Pathophysiology I Fall, 2015 Introduction Malaria is a protozoa disease transmitted by the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. It is the most important of the parasitic diseases of humans. Malaria transmission see in 107 countries, and killed more than 3 million people each year (According to World Health Organization 209 report). Sub-Saharan countries are the most malaria affected area in the world. It is transmitted
According to the health and environment, Malaria is a universal contagious disease and also a tremendous social complication all around the world, especially in South Asia, and Africa. Approximately, 3 billion of the community are in danger of infection in 109 regions. Every year, there is a prediction of 250 million compacts of miasm prominent to 1 million annihilations, particularly adolescents under 5 years old. The structure that causes the greatest unhealthy form of paludism is a imperceptible