Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers - 10th Edition - by Gary A. Porter, Curtis L. Norton - ISBN 9781305654174

Financial Accounting: The Impact on Dec...
10th Edition
Gary A. Porter, Curtis L. Norton
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781305654174

Solutions for Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers

Book Details

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: THE IMPACT ON DECISION MAKERS 10E makes it easy to demonstrate that accounting is a powerful tool for business decision-making by going beyond debits and credits and keeping students focused on the big picture. For example, journal entries in the text require students to demonstrate the balance sheet and income statement impact of transactions, helping students see how business events ultimately impact the financial statements. In addition to exposing students to annual reports of highly recognizable companies such as Nike, Porter's exclusive Ratio Decision-Model provides students with a framework for reading and interpreting financial statements to make decisions. The focus on financial statements and decision-making carries through to the end-of-chapter with a suite of case materials that have students reading and interpreting financial statements. In addition, this edition uses a new modular organization built for how today's students read and assimilate information.

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More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Financial Accounting: The Impact On Decision Makers
8th Edition
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Financial Accounting (ise): The Alternative To Debits And Credits
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780324645118
Financial Accounting
7th Edition
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Bundle: Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers, Loose-Leaf Version, 10th Edition + LMS Integrated for CengageNOWv2â„¢, 1 term Printed Access Card
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