Linear Algebra and Its Applications (5th Edition)
Linear Algebra and Its Applications (5th Edition)
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780321982384
Author: David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, Judi J. McDonald
Publisher: PEARSON


Textbook Question
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Chapter 1, Problem 1SE

Mark each statement True or False. Justify each answer. (If true, cite appropriate facts or theorems). If false, explain why or give a counterexample that shows why the statement is not true in every case.

  1. a. Even’ matrix is row equivalent to a unique matrix in echelon form.
  2. b. Any system of n linear equations in n variables has at most n solutions.
  3. c. If a system of linear equations has two different solutions, it must have infinitely many solutions.
  4. d. If a system of linear equations has no free variables, then it has a unique solution.
  5. e. If an augmented matrix [A b] is transformed into [C d] by elementary row operations, then the equations Ax = b and Cx = d have exactly the same solution sets.
  6. f. If a system Ax = b has more than one solution, then so does the system Ax = 0.
  7. g. If A is an m × n matrix and the equation Ax = b is consistent for some b, then the columns of A span ℝm.
  8. h. If an augmented matrix [A b] can be transformed by elementary row operations into reduced echelon form, then the equation Ax = b is consistent.
  9. i. If matrices A and B are row equivalent, they have the same reduced echelon form.
  10. j. The equation Ax = 0 has the trivial solution if and only if there are no free variables.
  11. k. If A is an m × n matrix and the equation Ax = b is consistent for every b in ℝm, then A has m pivot columns.
  12. l. If an m × n matrix A has a pivot position in every row, then the equation Ax = b has a unique solution for each b in ℝm.
  13. m. If an n × n matrix A has n pivot positions, then the reduced echelon form of A is the n × n identity matrix.
  14. n. If 3 x 3 matrices A and B each have three pivot positions, then A can be transformed into B by elementary row operations.
  15. ○.       If A is an m × n matrix, if die equation Ax = b has at least two different solutions, and if the equation Ax = c is consistent, then the equation Ax = c has many solutions.
  16. p. If A and B are row equivalent m x n matrices and if the columns of A span ℝm, then so do the columns of B.
  17. q. If none of the vectors in the set S = {v1. v2, v3} in R3 is a multiple of one of the other vectors, then S is linearly independent.
  18. r. If {u, v, w} is linearly independent, then u, v, and w are not in ℝ2.
  19. s. In some cases, it is possible for four vectors to span ℝ5
  20. t. If u and v are in ℝm, then −u is in Span{u, v}.
  21. u. If u, v, and w are nonzero vectors in ℝ2, then w is a linear combination of u and v.
  22. v. If w is a linear combination of u and v in ℝn, then u is a linear combination of v and w.
  23. w. Suppose that v1, v2, and v3 are in ℝ5, v2 is not a multiple of v1, and v3 is not a linear combination of v1 and v2, Then { v1, v2, v3} is linearly independent.
  24. x. A linear transformation is a function.
  25. y. If A is a 6 × 5 matrix, the linear transformation xAx cannot map ℝ5 onto ℝ6.
  26. z. If A is an m × n matrix with m pivot columns, then the linear transformation xAx is a one-to-one mapping.


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To mark:

The given statement “Every matrix is a row equivalent to a unique matrix in echelon form” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • A matrix is equal to unique matrix only if it is in reduced echelon form.


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To mark:

The given statement “Any system of n linear equations in n variables has at most n solutions” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • The n linear equations with n variables resulted in many solutions.


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To mark:

The given statement “If a system of linear equations has two different solutions, it must have infinitely many solutions” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • Refer the “Existence and Uniqueness theorem”.
  • The system contains infinite solutions.


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To mark:

The given statement “If a system of linear equations has two different solutions, it must have infinitely many solutions” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • An example of a system that contains no free variables has no solution is shown below:


  • Solution does not exist for the system with the absence of free variables.


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To mark:

The given statement “If an augmented matrix [Ab] is transformed into [Cd] by elementary row operations, then the equations Ax=b and Cx=d have exactly the same solution sets” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • Refer the box below the title “definition of elementary row operations”.
  • Transformation that resulted in the two matrixes is to be row equivalent.


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To mark:

The given statement “If a system Ax=b has more than one solution, then the system Ax=0 ” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • Refer theorem 6.
  • The equations result in equal number of solutions.


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To mark:

The given statement “If A is an m×n matrix and the equation Ax=b is consistent for some b, then the columns of A span Rm ” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • For all values of b, the equation Ax=b is consistent.


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To mark:

The given statement “If an augmented matrix [Ab] can be transformed by elementary row operations into reduced echelon form, then the equation Ax=b is consistent” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • Any matrix can be modified into row-reduced echelon form, but not all the matrices are consistent.


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To mark:

The given statement “If matrices A and B are row equivalent, they have the same reduced echelon form” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • The reduced echelon form of the matrices is unique.


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To mark:

The given statement “The equation Ax=0 has the trivial solution if and only if there are no free variables” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • Every equation of Ax=0 has a trivial solution whether there is free variables or not.


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To mark:

The given statement “If A is an m×n matrix and the equation Ax=b is consistent for every b in Rm , then A has m pivot columns” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • Refer theorem 4.
  • Each column of a matrix has one pivot point.


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To mark:

The given statement “If an m×n matrix A has a pivot position in every row, then the equation Ax=b has a unique solution for each b in Rm ” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • The equation contains the minimum number of free variable as 1. So, it has infinite solutions.


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To mark:

The given statement “If an n×n matrix A has n pivot positions, then the reduced echelon form of A is the n×n matrix identity matrix” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • The row-reduced echelon form must be a n×n identity matrix.


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To mark:

The given statement “If 3×3 matrices A and B each have three pivot positions, then A can be transformed into B by elementary row operations” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • The matrix A is transformed first into a 3×3 identity matrix, and then it is transformed to B.


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To mark:

The given statement “If A is an m×n matrix, if the equation Ax=b has at least two different solutions, and if the equation Ax=c is consistent, then the equation Ax=c has many solutions” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • Refer theorem 6.
  • Both equations result in equal number of solutions.


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To mark:

The given statement “If A and B are row equivalent m×n matrices and if the columns of A span Rm , then so do the columns of B” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • Refer theorem 4.
  • For B, all the columns span Rm .


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To mark:

The given statement “If none of the vectors in the set S={v1,v2,v3} in R3 is a multiple of one of the other vectors, then S is linearly independent” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • Example: Let the 3 vectors be (1,0,0) , (0,1,0) , and (1,1,0) . Also, the third vector is the total of the first and second vectors.


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To mark:

The given statement “If {u,v,w} is linearly independent, then u, v, and w are not in R2 ” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • Any three vectors that form a set in R2 must be linearly dependent.


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To mark:

The given statement “In some cases, it is possible for four vectors to span R5 ” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • The four vectors have 4 columns, and it contains the maximum number of pivots as 4 so it cannot span R5 .


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To mark:

The given statement “If u and v are in Rm , then u is in Span {u,v} ” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • The linear combination of vector u and vector v is vector u .


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To mark:

The given statement “If u, v, and w are nonzero vectors in R2 , then w is a linear combination of u and v” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • If u and v are multiples, then Span {u, v} is a line, and w need not be on that line.


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To mark:

The given statement “If w is a linear combination of u and v in Rn , then u is a linear combination of v and w” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • Let w=2v , then w=0u+2v . Here, linear combination of vector u and vector v is vector w, but linear combination of vector v and vector w cannot be vector u.


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To mark:

The given statement “Suppose that v1 , v2 , and v3 are in R5 , v2 is not a multiple of v1 , and v3 is not a linear combination of v1 and v2 . Then, {v1,v2,v3} is linearly independent” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • It is true if the vector v1 is not equal to 0.


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To mark:

The given statement “A linear transformation is a function” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • Function is an alternative word for transformation.


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To mark:

The given statement “If A is a 6×5 matrix, the linear transformation xAx cannot map R5 onto R6 ” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is true.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be true:

  • The matrix with 6 pivot columns is not possible because the matrix has only 5 columns.


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To mark:

The given statement “If A is an m×n matrix with m pivot columns, then the linear transformation xAx is a one-to-one mapping” is true or false.

Answer to Problem 1SE

The given statement is false.

Explanation of Solution

Reason for the statement to be false:

  • The matrix contains pivots in all columns. So, m<n is not valid.

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Chapter 1 Solutions

Linear Algebra and Its Applications (5th Edition)

Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 7-10, the augmented matrix of a...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 7-10, the augmented matrix of a...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 7-10, the augmented matrix of a...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 7-10, the augmented matrix of a...Ch. 1.1 - Solve the systems in Exercises 11-14. 11....Ch. 1.1 - Solve the systems in Exercises 11-14. 12....Ch. 1.1 - Solve the systems in Exercises 11-14. 13....Ch. 1.1 - Solve the systems in Exercises 11-14....Ch. 1.1 - Determine if the systems in Exercises 15 and 16...Ch. 1.1 - Determine if the systems in Exercises 15 and 16...Ch. 1.1 - Do the three lines x1 4x2 = 1, 2x1 x2 = 3, and...Ch. 1.1 - Do the three planes x1 + 2x2 + x3 = 4, x2 x3 = 1,...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 19-22, determine the value(s) of h...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 19-22, determine the value(s) of h...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 19-22, determine the value(s) of h...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 19-22, determine the value(s) of h...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 23 and 24, key statements from this...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 23 and 24, key statements from this...Ch. 1.1 - Find an equation involving g, h, and k that makes...Ch. 1.1 - Construct three different augmented matrices for...Ch. 1.1 - Suppose the system below is consistent for all...Ch. 1.1 - Suppose a, b, c, and d are constants such that a...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 29-32, find the elementary row...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 29-32, find the elementary row...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 29-32, find the elementary row...Ch. 1.1 - In Exercises 29-32, find the elementary row...Ch. 1.1 - An important concern in the study of heat transfer...Ch. 1.1 - Solve the system of equations from Exercise 33....Ch. 1.2 - Find the general solution of the linear system...Ch. 1.2 - Find the general solution of the system...Ch. 1.2 - Suppose a 4 7 coefficient matrix for a system of...Ch. 1.2 - In Exercises 1 and 2, determine which matrices arc...Ch. 1.2 - In Exercises 1 and 2, determine which matrices are...Ch. 1.2 - Row reduce the matrices in Exercises 3 and 4 to...Ch. 1.2 - Row reduce the matrices in Exercises 3 and 4 to...Ch. 1.2 - Describe the possible echelon forms of a nonzero 2...Ch. 1.2 - Repeat Exercise 5 for a nonzero 3 2 matrix. 5....Ch. 1.2 - Find the general solutions of the systems whose...Ch. 1.2 - Find the general solutions of the systems whose...Ch. 1.2 - Find the general solutions of the systems whose...Ch. 1.2 - Find the general solutions of the systems whose...Ch. 1.2 - Find the general solutions of the systems whose...Ch. 1.2 - Find the general solutions of the systems whose...Ch. 1.2 - Find the general solutions of the systems whose...Ch. 1.2 - Find the general solutions of the systems whose...Ch. 1.2 - Exercises 15 and 16 use the notation of Example 1...Ch. 1.2 - Exercises 15 and 16 use the notation of Example 1...Ch. 1.2 - In Exercises 17 and 18, determine the value(s) of...Ch. 1.2 - In Exercises 17 and 18, determine the value(s) of...Ch. 1.2 - In Exercises 19 and 20, choose h and k such that...Ch. 1.2 - In Exercises 19 and 20, choose h and k such that...Ch. 1.2 - In Exercises 21 and 22, mark each statement True...Ch. 1.2 - In Exercises 21 and 22, mark each statement True...Ch. 1.2 - Suppose a 3 5 coefficient matrix for a system has...Ch. 1.2 - Suppose a system of linear equations has a 3 5...Ch. 1.2 - Suppose the coefficient matrix of a system of...Ch. 1.2 - Suppose the coefficient matrix of a linear system...Ch. 1.2 - Restate the last sentence in Theorem 2 using the...Ch. 1.2 - What would you have to know about the pivot...Ch. 1.2 - A system of linear equations with fewer equations...Ch. 1.2 - Give an example of an inconsistent underdetermined...Ch. 1.2 - A system of linear equations with more equations...Ch. 1.2 - Suppose an n (n + 1) matrix is row reduced to...Ch. 1.2 - Find the interpolating polynomial p(t) = a0 + a1t...Ch. 1.2 - [M] In a wind tunnel experiment, die force on a...Ch. 1.3 - Prob. 1PPCh. 1.3 - For what value(s) of h will y be in Span{v1, v2,...Ch. 1.3 - Let w1, w2, w3, u, and v be vectors in n. 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One days operation...Ch. 1.3 - A steam plain bums two types of coal: anthracite...Ch. 1.3 - Let v1, vk be points in 3 and suppose that for j...Ch. 1.3 - Let v be the center of mass of a system of point...Ch. 1.3 - A thin triangular plate of uniform density and...Ch. 1.3 - Consider the vectors v1, v2, v3, and b in 2, shown...Ch. 1.3 - Use the vectors u = (u1, , un), v = (v1, , vn),...Ch. 1.3 - Use the vector u = (u1, , un) to verify the...Ch. 1.4 - Let A = [152031954817], P = [3204], and b = [790]....Ch. 1.4 - Let A = [2531], u = [41], and v = [35]. Verify...Ch. 1.4 - Construct a 3 3 matrix A and vectors b and c in 3...Ch. 1.4 - Compute the products in Exercises 1-4 using (a)...Ch. 1.4 - Compute the products in Exercises 1-4 using (a)...Ch. 1.4 - Compute the products in Exercises 1-4 using (a)...Ch. 1.4 - Compute the products in Exercises 1-4 using (a)...Ch. 1.4 - In Exercises 5-8, use the definition of Ax to...Ch. 1.4 - In Exercises 5-8, use the definition of Ax to...Ch. 1.4 - In Exercises 5-8, use the definition of Ax to...Ch. 1.4 - In Exercises 5-8, use the definition of Ax to...Ch. 1.4 - In Exercises 9 and 10, write the system first as a...Ch. 1.4 - In Exercises 9 and 10, write the system first as a...Ch. 1.4 - Given A and b in Exercises 11 and 12, write the...Ch. 1.4 - Given A and b in Exercises 11 and 12, write the...Ch. 1.4 - Let u = [044] and A = [352611]. Is u in the plane...Ch. 1.4 - Let u = [232] and A = [587011130]. Is u in the...Ch. 1.4 - Let A = [2163] and b = [b1b2]. Show that the...Ch. 1.4 - Repeat Exercise 15: A = [134326518], b = [b1b2b3]....Ch. 1.4 - Exercises 17-20 refer to the matrices A and B...Ch. 1.4 - Exercises 17-20 refer to the matrices A and B...Ch. 1.4 - Exercises 17-20 refer to the matrices A and B...Ch. 1.4 - Exercises 17-20 refer to the matrices A and B...Ch. 1.4 - Let v1 = [1010], v2 = [0101], v3 = [1001]. Does...Ch. 1.4 - Let v1 = [002], v2 = [038], v3 = [415]. Does {v1,...Ch. 1.4 - a. The equation Ax = b is referred to as a vector...Ch. 1.4 - a. Every matrix equation Ax = b corresponds to a...Ch. 1.4 - Note that [431525623][312]=[7310]. Use this fact...Ch. 1.4 - Let u = [725], v = [313], and w = [610]. It can be...Ch. 1.4 - Let q1, q2, q3, and v represent vectors in 5, and...Ch. 1.4 - Rewrite the (numerical) matrix equation below in...Ch. 1.4 - Construct a 3 3 matrix, not in echelon form,...Ch. 1.4 - Construct a 3 3 matrix, not in echelon form,...Ch. 1.4 - Let A be a 3 2 matrix. Explain why the equation...Ch. 1.4 - Could a set of three vectors in 4 span all of 4?...Ch. 1.4 - Suppose A is a 4 3 matrix and b is a vector in 4...Ch. 1.4 - Suppose A is a 3 3 matrix and b is a vector in 3...Ch. 1.4 - Let A be a 3 4 matrix, let y1 and y2 be vectors...Ch. 1.4 - Let A be a 5 3 matrix, let y be a vector in 3,...Ch. 1.4 - [M] In Exercises 37-40, determine if the columns...Ch. 1.4 - [M] In Exercises 37-40, determine if the columns...Ch. 1.4 - [M] In Exercises 37-40, determine if the columns...Ch. 1.4 - [M] In Exercises 37-40, determine if the columns...Ch. 1.5 - Each of the following equations determines a plane...Ch. 1.5 - Write the general solution of 10x1 3x2 2x3 = 7...Ch. 1.5 - Prove the first pan of Theorem 6: Suppose that p...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 1-4, determine if the system has a...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 1-4, determine if the system has a...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 1-4, determine if the system has a...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 1-4, determine if the system has a...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 5 and 6, follow the method of...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 5 and 6, follow the method of...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 7-12, describe all solutions of Ax =...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 7-12, describe all solutions of Ax =...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 7-12, describe all solutions of Ax =...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 7-12, describe all solutions of Ax =...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 7-12, describe all solutions of Ax =...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 7-12, describe all solutions of Ax =...Ch. 1.5 - Suppose the solution set of a certain system of...Ch. 1.5 - Suppose the solution set of a certain system of...Ch. 1.5 - Follow the method of Example 3 to describe the...Ch. 1.5 - As in Exercise 15, describe the solutions of the...Ch. 1.5 - Describe and compare the solution sets of x1 + 9x2...Ch. 1.5 - Describe and compare the solution sets of x1 3x2...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 19 and 20, find the parametric...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 19 and 20, find the parametric...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 21 and 22, find a parametric equation...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 21 and 22, find a parametric equation...Ch. 1.5 - a. A homogeneous equation is always consistent. b....Ch. 1.5 - a. If x is a nontrivial solution of Ax = 0, then...Ch. 1.5 - Prove the second part of Theorem 6: Let w be any...Ch. 1.5 - Suppose Ax = b has a solution. Explain why the...Ch. 1.5 - Suppose A is the 3 3 zero matrix (with all zero...Ch. 1.5 - If b 0, can the solution set of Ax = b be a plane...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 29-32, (a) does the equation Ax = 0...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 29-32, (a) does the equation Ax = 0...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 29-32, (a) does the equation Ax = 0...Ch. 1.5 - In Exercises 29-32, (a) does the equation Ax = 0...Ch. 1.5 - Given A = [2672139], find one nontrivial solution...Ch. 1.5 - Given A = [4681269], find one nontrivial solution...Ch. 1.5 - Construct a 3 3 nonzero matrix A such that the...Ch. 1.5 - Construct a 3 3 nonzero matrix A such that the...Ch. 1.5 - Construct a 2 2 matrix A such that the solution...Ch. 1.5 - Suppose A is a 3 3 matrix and y is a vector in 3...Ch. 1.5 - Let A be an m n matrix and let u be a vector in n...Ch. 1.5 - Let A be an m n matrix, and let u and v be...Ch. 1.6 - Suppose an economy has three sectors: Agriculture,...Ch. 1.6 - Consider the network flow studied in Example 2....Ch. 1.6 - Suppose an economy has only two sectors, Goods and...Ch. 1.6 - Find another set of equilibrium prices for the...Ch. 1.6 - Boron sulfide reacts violently with water to form...Ch. 1.6 - When solutions of sodium phosphate and barium...Ch. 1.6 - Alka-Seltzer contains sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)...Ch. 1.6 - The following reaction between potassium...Ch. 1.6 - Find the general flow pattern of the network shown...Ch. 1.6 - a. Find the general traffic pattern in the freeway...Ch. 1.6 - a. Find the general flow pattern in the network...Ch. 1.6 - Intersections in England are often constructed as...Ch. 1.7 - Let u = [324] , v = [617] , w = [052] , and z =...Ch. 1.7 - Suppose that {v1, v2, v3} is a linearly dependent...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 1-4, determine if the vectors are...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 1-4, determine if the vectors are...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 1-4, determine if the vectors are...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 1-4, determine if the vectors are...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 5-8, determine if the columns of the...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 5-8, determine if the columns of the...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 5-8, determine if the columns of the...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 5-8, determine if the columns of the...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 9 and 10, (a) for what values of h is...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 9 and 10, (a) for what values of h is...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 11-14, find the value(s) of h for...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 11-14, find the value(s) of h for...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 11-14, find the value(s) of h for...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 11-14, find the value(s) of h for...Ch. 1.7 - Determine by inspection whether the vectors in...Ch. 1.7 - Determine by inspection whether the vectors in...Ch. 1.7 - Determine by inspection whether the vectors in...Ch. 1.7 - Determine by inspection whether the vectors in...Ch. 1.7 - Determine by inspection whether the vectors in...Ch. 1.7 - Determine by inspection whether the vectors in...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 21 and 22, mark each statement True...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 21 and 22, mark each statement True...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 23-26, describe the possible echelon...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 23-26, describe the possible echelon...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 23-26, describe the possible echelon...Ch. 1.7 - In Exercises 23-26, describe the possible echelon...Ch. 1.7 - How many pivot columns must a 7 5 matrix have if...Ch. 1.7 - How many pivot columns must a 5 7 matrix have if...Ch. 1.7 - Construct 3 2 matrices A and B such that Ax = 0...Ch. 1.7 - a. Fill in the blank in the following statement:...Ch. 1.7 - Exercises 31 and 32 should be solved without...Ch. 1.7 - Exercises 31 and 32 should be solved without...Ch. 1.7 - Each statement in Exercises 33-38 is either true...Ch. 1.7 - Each statement in Exercises 33-38 is either true...Ch. 1.7 - Each statement in Exercises 33-38 is either true...Ch. 1.7 - Each statement in Exercises 33-38 is either true...Ch. 1.7 - Each statement in Exercises 33-38 is either true...Ch. 1.7 - Each statement in Exercises 33-38 is either true...Ch. 1.7 - Suppose A is an m n matrix with the property that...Ch. 1.7 - Suppose an m n matrix A has n pivot columns....Ch. 1.7 - [M] In Exercises 41 and 42, use as many columns of...Ch. 1.7 - [M] In Exercises 41 and 42, use as many columns of...Ch. 1.8 - Suppose T : 5 2 and T(x) = Ax for some matrix A...Ch. 1.8 - A=[1001] Give a geometric description of the...Ch. 1.8 - The line segment from 0 to a vector u is the set...Ch. 1.8 - Let A=[2002], and define T : 22 by T(x) = Ax. Find...Ch. 1.8 - Let A=[.5000.5000.5], u=[104], and v=[abc]. Define...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 3-6, with T defined by T(x) = Ax,...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 3-6, with T defined by T(x) = Ax,...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 3-6, with T defined by T(x) = Ax,...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 3-6, with T defined by T(x) = Ax,...Ch. 1.8 - Let A be a 6 5 matrix. What must a and b be in...Ch. 1.8 - How many rows and columns must a matrix A have in...Ch. 1.8 - For Exercises 9 and 10, find all x in 4 that are...Ch. 1.8 - For Exercises 9 and 10, find all x in 4 that are...Ch. 1.8 - Let b=[110], and let A be the matrix in Exercise...Ch. 1.8 - Let b=[1314]. and let A be the matrix in Exercise...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 13-16, use a rectangular coordinate...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 13-16, use a rectangular coordinate...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 13-16, use a rectangular coordinate...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 13-16, use a rectangular coordinate...Ch. 1.8 - Let T : 2 2 be a linear transformation that maps...Ch. 1.8 - The figure shows vectors u, v, and w, along with...Ch. 1.8 - Let e1=[10], e2=[01], y1=[25], and y2=[16], and...Ch. 1.8 - Let x=[x1x2], v1=[25], and v2=[73], and let T : 2 ...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 21 and 22, mark each statement True...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 21 and 22, mark each statement True...Ch. 1.8 - Let T : 2 2 be the linear transformation that...Ch. 1.8 - Suppose vectors v1, . . . , vp span n, and let T :...Ch. 1.8 - Prob. 25ECh. 1.8 - Let u and v be linearly independent vectors in 3,...Ch. 1.8 - Prob. 27ECh. 1.8 - Let u and v be vectors in n. It can be shown that...Ch. 1.8 - Define f : by f(x) = mx + b. a. Show that f is...Ch. 1.8 - An affine transformation T : n m has the form...Ch. 1.8 - Let T : n m be a linear transformation, and let...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 32-36, column vectors are written as...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 32-36, column vectors are written as...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 32-36, column vectors are written as...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 32-36, column vectors are written as...Ch. 1.8 - In Exercises 32-36, column vectors are written as...Ch. 1.8 - [M] In Exercises 37 and 38, the given matrix...Ch. 1.8 - [M] In Exercises 37 and 38, the given matrix...Ch. 1.8 - [M] Let b=[7597] and let A be the matrix in...Ch. 1.8 - [M] Let b=[77135] and let A be the matrix in...Ch. 1.9 - Let T : 2 2 be the transformation that first...Ch. 1.9 - Suppose A is a 7 5 matrix with 5 pivots. Let T(x)...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 1-10, assume that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 1-10, assume that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 1-10, assume that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 1-10, assume that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 1-10, assume that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 1-10, assume that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 1-10, assume that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 1-10, assume that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 1-10, assume that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 1-10, assume that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - A linear transformation T : 2 2 first reflects...Ch. 1.9 - Show that the transformation in Exercise 8 is...Ch. 1.9 - Let T : 2 be the linear transformation such that...Ch. 1.9 - Let T : 2 2 be a linear transformation with...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 15 and 16, fill in the missing...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 15 and 16, fill in the missing...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 17-20, show that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 17-20, show that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 17-20, show that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 17-20, show that T is a linear...Ch. 1.9 - Let T : 2 2 be a linear transformation such that...Ch. 1.9 - Let T : 2 3 be a linear transformation such that...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 23 and 24, mark each statement True...Ch. 1.9 - a. Not every linear transformation from n to m is...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 25-28, determine if the specified...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 25-28, determine if the specified...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 25-28, determine if the specified...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 25-28, determine if the specified...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 29 and 30, describe the possible...Ch. 1.9 - In Exercises 29 and 30, describe the possible...Ch. 1.9 - Let T : n m be a linear transformation, with A...Ch. 1.9 - Let T : n m be a linear transformation, with A...Ch. 1.9 - Verify the uniqueness of A in Theorem 10. Let T :...Ch. 1.9 - Why is the question Is the linear transformation T...Ch. 1.9 - If a linear transformation T : n m maps n onto m,...Ch. 1.9 - Let S : p n and T : n m be linear...Ch. 1.9 - [M] In Exercises 37-40, let T be the linear...Ch. 1.9 - [M] In Exercises 37-40, let T be the linear...Ch. 1.9 - [M] In Exercises 37-40, let T be the linear...Ch. 1.9 - [M] In Exercises 37-40, let T be the linear...Ch. 1.10 - Find a matrix A and vectors x and b such that the...Ch. 1.10 - The container of a breakfast cereal usually lists...Ch. 1.10 - One serving of Post Shredded Wheat supplies 160...Ch. 1.10 - After taking a nutrition class, a big Annies Mac...Ch. 1.10 - The Cambridge Diet supplies .8 g of calcium per...Ch. 1.10 - In Exercises 5-8, write a matrix equation that...Ch. 1.10 - In Exercises 5-8, write a matrix equation that...Ch. 1.10 - In Exercises 5-8, write a matrix equation that...Ch. 1.10 - In Exercises 5-8, write a matrix equation that...Ch. 1.10 - In a certain region, about 7% of a citys...Ch. 1.10 - In a certain region, about 6% of a citys...Ch. 1.10 - In 2012 the population of California was...Ch. 1.10 - [M] Budget Rent A Car in Wichita. Kansas, has a...Ch. 1.10 - [M] Let M and xo be as in Example 3. a. Compute...Ch. 1.10 - [M] Study how changes in boundary temperatures on...Ch. 1 - Mark each statement True or False. Justify each...Ch. 1 - Let a and b represent real numbers. Describe the...Ch. 1 - The solutions (x, y, Z) of a single linear...Ch. 1 - Suppose the coefficient matrix of a linear system...Ch. 1 - Determine h and k such that the solution set of...Ch. 1 - Consider the problem of determining whether the...Ch. 1 - Consider the problem of determining whether the...Ch. 1 - Describe the possible echelon forms of the matrix...Ch. 1 - Prob. 9SECh. 1 - Let a1, a2 and b be the vectors in 2 shown in the...Ch. 1 - Construct a 2 3 matrix A, not in echelon form,...Ch. 1 - Construct a 2 3 matrix A, not in echelon form,...Ch. 1 - Write the reduced echelon form of a 3 3 matrix A...Ch. 1 - Determine the value(s) of a such that...Ch. 1 - In (a) and (b), suppose the vectors are linearly...Ch. 1 - Use Theorem 7 in Section 1.7 to explain why the...Ch. 1 - Explain why a set {v1, v2, v3, v4} in 5 must be...Ch. 1 - Suppose {v1, v2} is a linearly independent set in...Ch. 1 - Suppose v1, v2, v3 are distinct points on one line...Ch. 1 - Let T : n m be a linear transformation, and...Ch. 1 - Let T : 3 3 be the linear transformation that...Ch. 1 - Let A be a 3 3 matrix with the property that the...Ch. 1 - A Givens rotation is a linear transformation from...Ch. 1 - The following equation describes a Givens rotation...Ch. 1 - A large apartment building is to be built using...
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