% prompt input
pizza_size = input('Enter pizza size (8,10,14 inch)');
toppings = input('number of toppings');
% since pizza square, area is pi* r^2, where
% radius is pizza_size
area = pi * (pizza_size ^ 2);
cost = 5 * area;
cost = cost + 0.05*area*toppings;
%fprintf("You ordered a %d inch pizza with %d toppings", pizza_size, toppings);
%fprintf("Your order will be $ %f", cost);
%disp('Thank you for your order');
% part 2:-
% one bowl cost $6 for spaghetti bowl and a ravioli bowl for $8
fprintf("how many orders of each dishes")
s = input('Enter orders for spaghetii');
r = input('Enter orders for ravioli');
cost = (s*6) + (r*8); % total cost computed.
fprintf("You ordered a %d inch pizza with %d toppings, %d orders of spaghetti and %d orders of ravioli.", pizza_size, toppings);
fprintf("Your order will be $ %f", cost);