Chapter 3: Summary
This chapter focuses on Gatsby. In the summer months, Gatsby throws extravagant parties in which “men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.” His parties make him popular in New York. Gatsby’s chauffeur shows up at Nick’s and invites him to a party. At the party, Nick tries to find Gatsby, but has no luck. No one can tell him where Gatsby is, suggesting that they, too, can’t identify the host. He encounters Jordan Baker, and the two of them mingle with the crowd, gathering rumors about Gatsby, including one alleging that Gatsby had once killed a man.
Nick and Jordan are determined to find Gatsby. They then sit next to a good-looking young man, who later introduces himself as Jay Gatsby. As the party continues, Nick becomes intrigued by Gatsby, who does not drink or engage with the guests.
Soon, Nick and Jordan begin to see more of each other and get involved in a romantic relationship. Nick is aware that Jordan is dishonest; in fact, she had once cheated to ensure victory in a hockey tournament. Notably, Nick claims to be very honest, yet chooses to be with someone who is not honest.
Chapter 3: Analysis
This is the first chapter in which the readers meet Gatsby. He has been discussed and talked about before, but this is the first time the readers are shown his character. Although Gatsby is a gaudy, new money West Egger, he has been accepted by the East Eggers.
Even after the readers and Nick meet Gatsby, he remains a mystery. He does not engage with his guests at the party and keeps a low profile. Gatsby, like most people at that time, is putting up a show, an appearance. Though, at the time, people used their wealth to mask their corruption, it is difficult to say what Gatsby was trying to hide. The fact that Jordan says she has learnt something “remarkable” about Gatsby furthers the aura and mystery surrounding him.
This chapter also shows how Nick is slowly abandoning his Midwest values, getting more accustomed to life in the East.