Chemistry: Matter and Change - 1st Edition - by Dinah Zike, Laurel Dingrando, Nicholas Hainen, Cheryl Wistrom - ISBN 9780078746376

Chemistry: Matter and Change
1st Edition
Dinah Zike, Laurel Dingrando, Nicholas Hainen, Cheryl Wistrom
Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill School Pub Co
ISBN: 9780078746376

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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 3 - Matter-properties And ChangesChapter 3.1 - Properties Of MatterChapter 3.2 - Changes In MatterChapter 3.3 - Mixtures Of MatterChapter 3.4 - Elements And CompoundsChapter 4 - The Structure Of The AtomChapter 4.1 - Early Ideas About MatterChapter 4.2 - Defining The AtomChapter 4.3 - How Atoms DifferChapter 4.4 - Unstable Nuclei And Radioactive DecayChapter 5 - Electrons In The AtomChapter 5.1 - Light And Quantized EnergyChapter 5.2 - Quantum Theory And The AtomChapter 5.3 - Electron ConfigurationChapter 6 - The Periodic Table And Periodic LawChapter 6.1 - Development Of The Modern Periodic TableChapter 6.2 - Classification Of The ElementsChapter 6.3 - Periodic TrendsChapter 7 - Ionic Compounds And MetalsChapter 7.1 - Ion FormationChapter 7.2 - Ionic Bonds And Ionic CompoundsChapter 7.3 - Names And Formulas For Ionic CompoundsChapter 7.4 - Metallic Bonds And The Properties Of MetalsChapter 8 - Covalent BondingChapter 8.1 - The Covalent BondChapter 8.2 - Naming MoleculesChapter 8.3 - Molecular StructuresChapter 8.4 - Molecular ShapesChapter 8.5 - Electronegativity And PolarityChapter 9 - Chemical ReactionsChapter 9.1 - Reactions And EquationsChapter 9.2 - Classifying Chemical ReactionsChapter 9.3 - Reactions In Aqueous SolutionsChapter 10 - The MoleChapter 10.1 - Measuring MatterChapter 10.2 - Mass And The MoleChapter 10.3 - Moles Of CompoundsChapter 10.4 - Empirical And Molecular FormulasChapter 10.5 - Formulas Of HydratesChapter 11 - StoichiometryChapter 11.1 - Defining StoichiometryChapter 11.2 - Stoichiometric CalculationsChapter 11.3 - Limiting ReactantsChapter 11.4 - Percent YieldChapter 12 - States Of MatterChapter 12.1 - GasesChapter 12.2 - Forces Of AttractionChapter 12.3 - Liquids And SolidsChapter 12.4 - Phase ChangesChapter 13 - GasesChapter 13.1 - The Gas LawsChapter 13.2 - The Ideal Gas LawChapter 13.3 - Gas StoiciometryChapter 14 - Mixtures And SolutionsChapter 14.1 - Types Of MixturesChapter 14.2 - Solution ConcentrationChapter 14.3 - Factors Affecting SolvationChapter 14.4 - Colligative Properties Of SolutionsChapter 15 - Energy And Chemical ChangeChapter 15.1 - EnergyChapter 15.2 - HeatChapter 15.3 - Thermonuclear EquationsChapter 15.4 - Calculating Enthalpy ChangeChapter 15.5 - Reaction SpontaneityChapter 16 - Reaction RatesChapter 16.1 - A Model For Reaction RatesChapter 16.2 - Factors Affecting Reaction RatesChapter 16.3 - Reaction Rate LawsChapter 16.4 - Instantaneous Reaction Rates And Reaction MechanismsChapter 17 - Chemical EquilibriumChapter 17.1 - A State Of Dynamic BalanceChapter 17.2 - Factors Affecting Chemical EquilibriumChapter 17.3 - Using Equilibrium ConstantsChapter 18 - Acids And BasesChapter 18.1 - Introduction To Acids And BasesChapter 18.2 - Strengths Of Acids And BasesChapter 18.3 - Hydrogen Ions And PhChapter 18.4 - NeutralizationChapter 19 - Redox ReactionsChapter 19.1 - Oxidation And ReductionChapter 19.2 - Balancing Redox EquationsChapter 20 - ElectrochemistryChapter 20.1 - Voltaic CellsChapter 20.2 - BatteriesChapter 20.3 - ElectrolysisChapter 21 - HydrocarbonsChapter 21.1 - Introduction To HydrocarbonsChapter 21.2 - AlkanesChapter 21.3 - Alkenes And AlkynesChapter 21.4 - Hydrocarbon IsomersChapter 21.5 - Aromatic HydrocarbonsChapter 22 - Substituted Hydrocarbons And Their ReactionsChapter 22.1 - Alkyl Halides And Aryl HalidesChapter 22.2 - Alcohols, Ethers And AminesChapter 22.3 - Carbonyl CompoundsChapter 22.4 - Other Reactions Of Organic CompoundsChapter 22.5 - PolymersChapter 23 - The Chemistry Of LifeChapter 23.1 - ProteinsChapter 23.2 - CarbohydratesChapter 23.3 - LipidsChapter 23.4 - Nucleic AcidsChapter 23.5 - MetabolismChapter 24 - Nuclear ChemistryChapter 24.1 - Nuclear RadiationChapter 24.2 - Radioactive DecayChapter 24.3 - Nuclear ReactionsChapter 24.4 - Applications And Effects Of Nuclear Reactions

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

TEKS Chemistry Matter&Change - Student Edition
15th Edition
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Glencoe Chemistry: Matter and Change, Student Edition
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