CU2939 Develop Health and Safety and Risk Management
Policies, Procedures and Practices in Health and
Social Care or Children and Young People’s
1.1 Explain the legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in the work setting.
Answer – The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the main piece of the health and safety legislation in Great Britain. It provides the legal framework to promote and encourage high standards in the workplace.
The Act, when first introduced, provided an integrated system dealing with workplace health and safety and the protection of the public from work activities. By placing duties upon employees, employers, the self-employed, manufacturers, designers and importers of work
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2.2 Support others to comply with legislative and organisational health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices relevant to their work.
Answer – As mentioned above, we have our own, clearly written policies and procedures, which are stored in the main staff office and online and are available to all employees. Compliance is demonstrated by adhering to the policies in place and ensuring that they are updated as and when required. All health and safety risk assessments are reviewed on an annual basis, or before if required, and regular communication with the staff team and maintenance team takes place, to ensure that procedures are being followed correctly. Information is shared across the whole company, which in turn supports others to comply with legislative and organisational health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices relevant to their work.
2.3 Explain the actions to take when health, safety and risk management, procedures and practices are not being complied with.
Answer – If there is ever any doubt that health and safety/risk management procedures and practices are not being adhered to, then immediate action is required. Within my workplace we have a responsible individual who ensures that risk assessments
1.2 Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work setting
What are your responsibilities under current health and safety legislation, standards and guidance, eg the Health & Safety at Work Act (and any other relevant legislation).
Task 4Ensuring health and safety is an important responsibility not only for the Managers but all associated with the premises. Evaluate your organisation’s health and safety policy and procedures in line with legislative requirements and propose recommendations on how health and safety should be managed
The employer has a responsibility to follow the regulation which is known as the ‘Health and Safety at Work Act 1974’. This is An Act to make further provision for securing the health, safety and
1.1 - Explain the legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in the work setting. The Health and safety at Work etc. Act 1974 is the major piece of the health and safety legislation in Great Britain. It provides the legal framework to promote, stimulate and encourage high standards.
1.1- Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting.
How legislation, policies and procedures relate to health, safety and security in a health and social care setting and how legislation, policies and procedures promote safety of individuals in a health and social care setting.
Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting.
1. Identify legislation relating to general health and safety in a health or social care work setting.
health and safety procedures and practises should be under continual scrutiny and areas for improvement should be monitored and dealt with. A good method of monitoring & improving are health, safety and security procedures are visually. Check visitors have signed in the visitor’s book, look for items blocking fire exits or hallways, wet signs are in place during cleaning, COSHH cupboards are kept locked, medication trolleys are secure, hoists are clean and stored in a correct storage place. Policies and procedures need to be reviewed regularly to ensure they are still relevant, circumstances in workplace can change and new risk assessments will need to be put in place or old ones reviewed. Policies and procedures may need evaluating and developing
Produce a H&S Policy Manual which demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of how health and safety legislation is implemented in a health and social care workplace. Your Policy Manual should provide a review of systems, policies and procedures for communication of health and safety in a workplace.
Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting
My work setting follows the laws and standards set by the Health and Safety Act 1974:-
3. Explain how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in own work setting or service.