
Your Dog'S Biggest Problem And How To Solve It. By Glenn

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Your Dog 's Biggest Problem and How To Solve It
By Glenn E Fox | Submitted On May 27, 2013

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Expert Author Glenn E Fox
There is no magic solution, but you can change your dog 's annoying behavior. It doesn 't help you much now to tell you that the best way to deal with bad behavior in your dog is to prevent it in the first place. People spend time researching and buying a car and then maintaining it. They will …show more content…

But if you don 't do it, your dog probably will.

Yes, your dog does need affection, but that is not his greatest need. You want to just love on him and comfort him and snuggle with him. However, in doing that first, you are causing him more harm than good. Discipline and exercise must come above affection. Then the affection has much greater meaning.

The other thing most dogs are lacking that contributes to their unwanted behavior is exercise. The typical household pet gets little to none of this each day. Just letting your dog out into the backyard for a few minutes doesn 't count. When he 's been cooped up all day alone, he needs a long walk, and better still a run. A lot of behavior problems would simply vanish when the pet has adequate exercise. He is then better prepared to follow your leadership.

The point is, if we would do our part, it would go a long ways to solving our pet 's behavior problems. It doesn 't do any good at this point to beat ourselves up because we could have avoided the misbehavior in the first place. Our dog has developed some habits that need to be changed. But even if the dog 's problems behavior is dealt with and corrected, unless we make changes in the way we relate to him or her, it will probably not solve the problem permanently.

Here are some tips on how to establish yourself as the boss, as the "pack-leader."

1. Work on developing a "positive-assertive" attitude. It never helps to yell at your dog. Being

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