
Year Round School Research Paper

Decent Essays

Year Round Schooling Do students get bored towards the end of summer? Do students forget what they learned from the school year before? Sarah attends a high school in Indiana, while Hannah goes to a high school in Illinois. Due to the year round schooling (YRS) in Indiana, Sarah has a shortened summer. Sarah receives two-three weeks off of school for winter break, fall break, and spring break. Once Sarah gets back from her breaks, her teacher has one day of review and moves on. Hannah does not have to go to school during the summer but only receives a week or two off here and there. When Hannah returns to start school after summer ends, her teacher takes two weeks to review what they learned the year before. The breaks for Sarah last a lot longer than they do for Hannah. The extensive summer break disconnected Hannah from school and she forgot everything. Year round schooling would benefit students because it would reduce negativity toward school and stress. …show more content…

Snow days, teacher institutes, half-days, and holidays bring happiness to every student. With year round schooling, the year feels shorter and faster because the calendar includes more days off of school and longer breaks. The breaks are evenly spread across the calendar. This provides students with time off from school, but not enough to lose what they learned. Year round schooling also helps with transitioning from one grade to the next. Every student hates to see summer end and dreads going back to school even more. Without a long summer, students focus more on school and do not have much time to think about moving from middle school to high school. Days off from school allow families to take more vacations and spend time together. This reduces the amount of negativity or hatred towards school and students develop a positive

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