
Worksheet: How Healthy Are You?

Satisfactory Essays

According to the worksheet, “How Healthy Are You?” the dimensions of health I scored the highest on were Physical and Spiritual Health. I scored an 18 out of 20 on both Physical and Spiritual Health making these two the ones that I am functioning well in. Based on answering these questions and determining my score, it helped me focus more on the other dimensions of health that I didn’t score very well on. I am functioning well in Physical Health because I am happy with my weight and size, I get 7-8 hours of sleep, I am always walking around at work (almost 3-5 miles), and my immune system is good when responding to viruses or any harmful things. Also, I am functioning well in Spiritual Health. I always help others without wanting anything in return from them. I have …show more content…

I have a lot of plans ahead of me. Moving on to the dimension of health I scored low on was Environmental Health which I got a score of 12 out of 20. The factors that are contributing to my low score are, separating trash from recycle. We sometimes don’t recycle in our house and that’s not right because it harms us, other people, and wildlife. For example, we do recycle boxes and other things that need to be recycled, but we don’t recycle paper or plastic. I usually keep the faucet running when I brush my teeth because I don’t like turning it on and off. A specific health behavior I would like to change is drinking more water every day. I want to change this behavior because I don’t drink water at all, maybe one bottle a day. I also don’t drink a lot of fluids a day and it’s not good for my health. My sister tells me to start a water challenge with her where we drink about 7-8 bottles of water everyday so it influences both of us. I’ve been thinking about it and telling myself I need to drink more water, but it never happens. That’s something I need to change in my life

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