
Explain The Determinants Of Health

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According to the World Health Organisation Health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity (1946). Now health is defined as having all six dimensions of health, and they include physical health, mental health, emotional health, social health, spiritual health and environmental health. There is not a single person who can be described as being perfectly healthy, it is just about impossible to be perfectly healthy, to be completely healthy you would have to have maintain a perfect balance of all six dimensions of health.
Physical health is the most talked about dimension and is the most commonly known. Physical health is not only about the actual physical activities, for example it includes your strength, endurance and if you play sports or not. It is also includes maintaining a healthy diet, how much water you drink a day - weather it is enough, weather you take drugs and drink alcohol, weather you are sick, and if …show more content…

Emotional health as refers to your emotional wellbeing and if you are emotionally unstable it can be quite dangerous for you wellbeing. Emotional health is defined as someone who is emotionally healthy, whether they are in control of their emotions and behaviour, whether they feel safe and secure with their own feelings and emotions. Emotionally stable people generally express their emotions in a healthy way. The determinants of health that affect you emotional health is your social support network, which is your friends, family and sometimes your genetics play a big part in emotional health. When thinking about my emotional health, I know it isn’t the best, I have been emotionally unstable, for a while, sometimes it is easier to handle, and I know that I have to try and change it. My social life was had a major role with my emotional health, as I was going through a tough time with

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